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A liberal feeding frenzy over Ann Coulter's appearance intimidated the University and pressured the College Republicans to cancel

The media have fully deployed their defenses to protect President Obama after his dismal debate performance last night. So far two tactics have been employed, the first is the thinly veiled “fact check” attacks, while the other is calling Romney a bully for his take-charge...

Here are the tweets I selected during the debate. I score the first debate as a clear win for Romney. Obama was bumbling, Romney was on target with facts. Even Obama supporters — the semi-honest ones — were tweeting in despair. @theplumlinegs I mean this...

Maybe I should change the name of this series to the Saturday Night Chris Matthews Card Game, since Matthews is such a frequent topic lately. Matthews doesn’t, apparently, understand that he was being mocked when Bill Maher asked whether Matthews was overly aggressive in charging racism (via RCP):...

Ann Coulter’s Romney-promoting long ago went far beyond Romney promoting, into cheap shots against the Tea Party movement and just about anyone who was not on Team Romney.  Much like the caustic Jennifer Rubin, insulting the people Romney will need to unite behind him seems to be...

This is cold fusion: Hypothetically (and broadly) speaking, the process involves fusing two smaller  atomic nuclei together into a larger nucleus, a process that releases massive  amounts of energy. If harnessed, cold fusion could provide cheap and nearly  limitless energy with no radioactive byproduct or...

Just as Bill Maher was pleading for an “amnesty” in the political correctness war to silence speech, Media Matters was committing $100,000 to an advertising campaign urging people to call local radio stations to complain about Limbaugh.  Via AP: The liberal Media Matters for America...

Update 3-22-2012:  The Toulouse killer was killed in a police raid overnight: Police stormed the flat where Mohammed Merah was holed up at 09:30 GMT, after a siege that had lasted 32 hours. Merah fired at officers and was found dead after jumping from a...

Via Michelle Malkin, joins Rush Limbaugh advertisers: I’m putting my money where my conservative, free-market principles are. The full announcement about our new ad buy with Rush Limbaugh is here. A snippet: “As a small business owner, defender of capitalism, and advocate of...