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Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion


When Beto was still in the race, he was mocked for having what became a test balloon campaign, throwing anything and everything at the wall to see what stuck. His campaign turned into a joke and he was viewed (is viewed) as wholly unserious. Elizabeth Warren seems to be following an adjacent path. Most recently, Warren vowed to release all Trump documents related to the impeachment inquiry.


If you've watched any of the impeachment trial on TV this week, you know that it's been an incredibly boring affair. In spite of this, the hosts at MSNBC, who are deeply emotionally and professionally invested in the outcome, are annoyed that members of the Senate aren't sitting on the edge of their seats.

Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) is becoming noticeably desperate in her grasping attempts to stall the freefall her campaign is experiencing in both polls and fundraising. Not only did she pick—and lose—an unnecessary fight with Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) over a sexist comment he supposedly made to her, but now she is pledging to fill her cabinet with 'women and nonbinary people.'

As we noted in 2018, leftist billionaire George Soros has been focusing his intricate web of foundations, super PACs, and assorted organizations on the nation’s District Attorney offices. Since that time, Capital Research Center has done amazing work in uncovering the extent of Soros' involvement in transforming our criminal justice system from the bottom up.

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s Brexit deal is set to become law after both houses of parliament approved the EU Withdrawal Agreement on Wednesday. The bill was cleared 342 to 254 in the Lower House after legislators rejected all amendments suggested by the House of Lords, including guarantees for accepting minor migrants from the continent.