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Despite weeks of her campaign suggesting that “ballot bag security” issues tainted the election, JoAnne Kloppenburg decided not to pursue a court challenge.  As described here many times, the ballot bag security issue never raised any serious concerns about either election fraud or mishandling of ballots. ...

I had the pleasure of appearing as a guest speaker at the Independent Media class taught by Jeff Cohen at Ithaca College.  One of the students posted about it: “My independent media professor invited William A. Jacobson, creator of conservative blog “Legal Insurrection,” to our class...

I don’t know if this is a sign that perhaps all the noise and fury from the Democrats and unions in Wisconsin does not reflect reality, but it is worth noting that Republicans have collected enough signatures to force a recall election in Senate District 22,...

Kathleen The Cornell Review began the week after Spring Break with esteemed Cornell alum, Keith Olbermann, stomping on a copy of February’s publication and calling most conservatives stupid. So while the week started rough, today the Review team distributed a parody of our resident lefty-newspaper,...

Via Israel Matzav, a translation of the Hebrew prayer hung above the bed of 11-year old Yoav Fogel, murdered in his bed by an intruder who also killed several members of his family, including his baby sister, as they slept: “May it be Your will, L-rd G-d...

Christopher Hitchens has really been phenomenal in the past few weeks. In his Vanity Fair April article, he does not disappoint. He mulls over all the revolutions he has seen, and concludes that Egypt is not as poignant as it seems: Neither in exile nor...

Andrew Sullivan loves to accuse conservatives and Republicans of blowing various racial and other dog whistles: The Bald Racism Of Rush Limbaugh (“Is any American more adept at exploiting racial dog whistles?”) “Media Is Everything” (“Breitbart, like Drudge, gets the web. He understands its subversive and rhetorical...

K. McCaffrey — Last week, Britain’s chief central banker, Mervyn King, painted a grim picture of the years to come in the UK. – “In 2011, real wages are likely to be no higher than they were in 2005… One has to go back to...

(K McCaffrey) — I’ve read two really fascinating articles in the past twenty-four hours. In Politico, Roger Simon delved into some interesting territory by discussing coverage of the Arizona shooter, Jared Loughner. In “Is Jared Loughner insane or just evil?” Simon looks at our modern...

There was a recent article in the WSJ by Amy Chua detailing the superiority of Chinese mothers. “[The author was] using the term “Chinese mother” loosely. [As s]ome Korean, Indian, Jamaican, Irish and Ghanaian parents qualify too.” Basically, being a Chinese mother entails never letting...

My favorite Congressman, Paul Ryan, is really on the ball this Sunday. Today, he was on Fox discussing the end of looming tax hikes. He also had an op-ed published in one of his hometown newspapers. “The deficit debate is not merely an exercise in...

This weekend, I found myself in San Francisco International Airport for a long weekend in the Bay Area. After a pleasant weekend, and then a wait in an egregiously long line, I found myself in one of the famed full body scanners, the subject of...

David Brock, the founder of Media Matters, has a really important demand which requires everyone’s immediate attention: Media Matters’ Brock challenges Palin to release tapes “Sarah Palin has made serious accusations of journalistic malfeasance. Either Palin accurately described the tapes, or she did not. America’s...