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In response to my post yesterday, Elizabeth Warren’s law license problem, Michael Fredrickson, General Counsel of the Massachusetts Board of Bar Overseers, gave an interview with Massachusetts Lawyers Weekly (MLW) which widely is being cited as exonerating Warren. League of Ordinary Gentlemen and Above The...

Those of us of a certain age have the memories. I was 10 years old at sleep away camp.  I remember them bringing us into the rec hall to watch on the black and white televisions.  I can’t tell you whether it was live or...

The lawsuit by Demos (an ACORN successor), which resulted in Massachusetts voluntarily taking the unprecedented step of mailing registration forms to almost 500,000 welfare recipients and other steps in welfare offices not required by law, is looking more and more like a pro-Elizabeth Warren set-up....

We’ve been compiling Chick-fil-A Appreciation Day photos here and on our google map (click to see the map here).   Bill, Brentwood, TN   Bill, Franklin, TN John, Schaumburg, IL, (video) From Mama AJ, Bossier City, LA:

James O’Keefe is loathed on the left almost on a par with what Andrew Breitbart experienced.  From ACORN to NPR to voter fraud in 2012, O’Keefe and his camera have caused havoc. Yet when blogger Adam Weinstein of Mother Jones approached O’Keefe this year at Netroots Nation, they...

Tuesday’s recall election in Wisconsin won’t be the end of the road for union organizers and radical leftists. No matter what the outcome is for Walker, Kleefisch, and the others, it appears that Wisconsin’s role as host will continue. Worker’s World reports that there are...

While the conservative blogosphere is focused on Brett Kimberlin, there is another instance of possible “lawfare” which deserves attention. Roughly three weeks ago a lawsuit alleging defamation against a conservative blogger was filed in the Superior Court of Fulton County, Georgia. The claim was brought...

Still liking this pep talk from March 22, 2010: Last night was bad. The law passed by the Senate and House really is that horrible. But it’s the morning after, and your mourning should be over. The mainstream media and the nutroots will try to...

The New York Post reported late Saturday night that a bribe of $150,000 was offered to Reverend Jeremiah Wright from one of President Barack Obama’s “closest friends” for Wright to keep quiet, and that Obama personally met with Wright to plead with him to refrain...

Now they tell us. Jeffrey Goldberg, Let the Shuttle’s Demise Awaken Gingrich’s Space Dreams (h/t Byron York): The morning of April 17, on the tarmac at Reagan National Airport: The Delta (DAL) shuttle to LaGuardia appeared to be No. 287 in line for takeoff. The plane...