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I think a lot of conservatives are afraid to put bumper stickers on their cars for fear of vandalism.  Call it the “driving while conservative” phenomenon; or maybe “parking while conservative.” Vandalism of McCain signs, and houses/car bearing those signs, was widespread during the 2008...

The day after Obamacare passed, I wrote Pep Talk.  Seems pertinent today as well: Last night was bad. The law passed by the Senate and House really is that horrible. But it’s the morning after, and your mourning should be over. The mainstream media and...

I wasn’t going to post on this, because I figured there had been enough publicity for him already.  But now that I see (via Instapundit and TaxProf) that the controversy has made its way into Forbes and many major websites, I’ll weigh in on the case of...

Mao Zedong caused the death of 45 million people according to a scholar who was given unprecedented access to Chinese Communist Party archives.  As reported by The Independent in Britain: Mao Zedong, founder of the People’s Republic of China, qualifies as the greatest mass murderer in world...

Tipping point approaching.  From The NY Times, Fewer Young Voters See Themselves as Democrats The college vote is up for grabs this year — to an extent that would have seemed unlikely two years ago, when a generation of young people seemed to swoon over...

I previously posted about how Jews were being driven out of Malmö, Sweden, by violence from Muslim immigrants tolerated by anti-Israel leftists, Malmö Syndrome. As I made clear in that post, Malmö Syndrome was just one of many examples of how anti-Semitism inevitably rises from...

I said it: Oh, please. Obama’s multi-trillion dollar spending spree is a lobbyist’s wet dream. More money will be made by more lobbyists divvying up this pork than in the collective history of the United States. And they dreamed it: I can’t believe I put...

Big news over the wires. The threatened Doorman Strike in New York City has been averted, Deal Reached That Averts a Walkout by Doormen: The owners of more than 3,200 apartment buildings in New York City reached an agreement on a new labor contract with...

In the company of Obama supporters, it’s called “inventing” oneself: Look at how much Barack Obama had to figure out. I mean, he’s born who he is, he can look in the mirror; but it must have been extraordinarily confusing to have this father who...

Definitely a day of F.O.M.S. (fear of missing something). I couldn’t hit the blog during the day today because of meetings, and while I was away, the whole world freaked out. Resignations, arguments, threats, more resignations, and then some: Obama debated Sarah Palin on nuclear...

Barack Obama has given the go ahead for the “targeted killing” of al-Qaeda operative Anwar al-Awlaki, who happens to be a U.S. citizen. I don’t have a problem with it. The fight with al-Qaeda is war. Al-Awlaki is trying to kill Americans, and if the...

Last night was bad. The law passed by the Senate and House really is that horrible. But it’s the morning after, and your mourning should be over. The mainstream media and the nutroots will try to demoralize you, and there will be plenty of gloat...

Amy Bishop, who killed three fellow professors at the University of Alabama – Huntsville because she was denied tenure, obviously was a disturbed person. Her politics, whatever they may have been, are irrelevant. She did the crime, and now she needs to do the time...

On February 28, 2009, Barack Obama gave a weekly address regarding his proposed massive budget in which Obama ramped up his attack on lobbyists: I know these steps won’t sit well with the special interests and lobbyists who are invested in the old way of...

The conspiracy to undermine the Constitution has taken an interesting turn. A career prosecutor at the Justice Department’s Office of Professional Responsibility (OPR) has determined that John Yoo and Jay Bybee did not violate their professional obligations in analyzing whether certain enhanced interrogation techniques constituted...

Ben Nelson and Mary Landrieu sold their reputations for hometown deals as part of the Senate health care bill. Now that the Senate bill is dead, they have nothing to show for the sale. Raymond J. Donovan was Secretary of Labor under Ronald Reagan. Donovan...

In case you have not heard, the Democrats have come up with a plan to nullify temporarily the Massachusetts voters in the Senate special election on January 19, if Scott Brown wins. As reported by the Boston Herald, interim Senator Paul Kirk is on record...