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President Barack Obama’s inaugural address was an ode to big government. And, of big government entities, perhaps the most toxic to the American economy is the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).  However, this federal agency cannot hold a candle to the California Air Resources Board (CARB) in...

These are tough times for those of us who actually kinda, you know, liked America the way it was pre-2009 and didn’t fancy seeing it fundamentally transformed, as President Obama promised.  Alas, he’s kept his promise. Professor Jacobson has been steadfast in refusing to capitulate....

Who demands purity and wants chaos? Harry Reid who refused to bring House bills to a vote in the Senate? Nope. Obama, whose Treasury Secretary took to the airwaves to proclaim that Obama “absolutely” was willing to go over the cliff if tax rates were not...

We published a bumper sticker or sign almost every day this year, sometimes more than one a day.  Please keep them coming, by emailing me at the address on the contact page. Most of the bumper stickers, of course, were motivated by the elections, with...

In March 2011, two Palestinians from a nearby village infiltrated an Israeli community on the West Bank and killed the Fogel family with knives, first the parents as they slept and then the children.  I asked, “What Kind Of Person stabs a three-month old infant to...

John Boehner just held a press conference.  I didn’t see it (video now available, embedded below) but the reports are that there is no progress, Obama is still playing Obama. Via Business Insider: In a short, approximately four-minute press conference Friday morning, House Speaker John...

Taxes are going up you ungrateful kulaks. Top Marginal Tax Rate Will Exceed 50% in California, New York, and Hawaii in 2013 (h/t Instapundit): This paper compares state-by-state estimates of the top marginal effective tax rates (METRs) on wages, interest, dividends, capital gains, and business income for...

Simon Cowell was swatted yesterday, via L.A. Weekly: Simon Cowell is the latest victim of a “swatting” prank, according to reports and authorities. Someone called Beverly Hills cops and said someone “had been tied up with duct tape and needed assistance” at the local home of the...

When companies self-censor to wait until the days after the election to announce major layoffs. Via commenter conservativegram in the Tip Line: As Drudge would say-”Own it!” “Nextel to cut 20% of jobs at Virginia headquarters” In Past 48 hrs, following companies announded layoffs: Caterpillar, CVPH...

I am going to regret doing this. You can send me reports and photos, and I will selectively post them. If things get overwhelming, as on National Empty Chair Day, I may have to call it off! If you have reports without photos, do not...

What did I tell you about fighting through the finish line? There are doomsayers today, including Larry Sabato, predicting an Obama win, and crediting in part Sandy and Chris.  Certainly there are others predicting the same and the opposite. I don’t know who is right and who wrong...

We have the countryside, and parts of the suburbs.  Our scouts are infliltrating the Obama-controlled cities. One of our rebels, however, has been trapped in Chicago.  And there’s not much we can do about it until November 6. From reader Jed: Here is something you...

After taking the countryside and moving into the suburbs, the combined forces of the common peasantry and kulaks are starting to infiltrate into the Obama-controlled cities. Scout John reported to headquarters last night: Driving through Greenwich Village in NYC today. My wife spotted it first...