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David Friedman, the son of that Friedman, is one of my favorite bloggers. He isn’t terribly hard to read and he doesn’t update daily, but – when he writes – it is worth the wait. Take, for example, his most recent post:  A while back...

or better yet, write the epilogue. Another from Cathy, who writes: At Wasabi in Eustis, Fl.  I really like this one.

Happy 2012, everyone! I just started my final semester at Cornell, which promises to be exciting. Before I delve into current events, I thought I would take my first post back to recap my winter break in south east Asia. I spent one week in...

The choice for Best Bumper Sticker of the Year was a tough one. I appreciate the nominations from readers. My choice came down to which bumper sticker most concisely and vividly reflected my mood and the mood of Legal Insurrection readers. Here are the results: 1st Place...

The government is not shutting down at midnight.  So here’s some more stuff: Incandescent light bulb ban not banned, but not really going into effect. Rich Lowry, Applying while Asian.  Commenter LukeHandCool made a similar point on the Tip Line earlier this month. Newt has...

Yesterday I noted the accusation by an anti-Israeli LGBT activist writing in The New York Times that Israel engages in “pinkwashing,” the promotion of its not-gay bashing, not-gay stoning, not-gay hating policies to cover up its suppression of Palestinians. How long before Israel is accused...

As part of the deal to free Gilad Shalit, the butcher of Ramallah who participated in the disemboweling and mutilation of two Israeli soldiers who took a wrong turn on a road in the West Bank in October 2000 at the start of the 1st...

Self-made millonaire or billionaire, and now most hated person at Firedoglake, Ted Leonsis wants Obama to stop with the class warfare: Someone needs to talk our President down off of this rhetoric about good vs. evil; about two classes and math. Our country was founded on...

from overseas to the U.S.A. Good afternoon, all! I’m back from my summer at The Wall Street Journal Europe where I interned as a Bartley Fellow. I’m now in my senior year at Cornell & I will try to post here as much as I can...

Post-mortem —  No excuses or hand holding.  Bad News:  Dems held both their seats, and Republicans hold the Senate by only one seat.   Good News:  Republicans hold the Governorship, Senate and Assembly, and the big things have been done, including the collective bargaining law, the budget...

Speculation abounds, from The NY Times on down (or is it, on up?): The Obama administration has informed Democratic Congressional leaders that President Obama and Speaker John A. Boehner were starting to close in on a major budget deal that would enact substantial spending cuts...

The pool of Republican candidates just keeps growing, and voters are beginning to vet stances and pick sides. In an economy burdened by a $14.4 trillion debt and over 9% unemployment, Americans want someone new at the helm who can turn this sinking ship around....