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Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion



After the postponement of this year's Tokyo Olympics, Germany has called off Oktoberfest set to take place between September 19 and October 4. With Germany struggling to contain Wuhan coronavirus, "the risk is simply too big," Bavarian state Prime Minister Markus Söder said while announcing his decision. "To live with coronavirus means to live carefully till there is a vaccine or a medicine," he added.

Here we go again. As readers are aware, for two-and-one-half years we have been raising the possibility that at some point, likely at the convention, Democrats would beg Michelle Obama to save the party from disaster by agreeing to be the presidential nominee. [A listing of our prior posts is at the bottom of this post.]

Georgia Democratic State Rep. Vernon Jones endorsed President Donald Trump for 2020 last week. But he resigned on Tuesday after the intense backlash he received because God forbid he has an opinion that differs from those around him.