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Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion


Professor Marc Lamont Hill is an influential and high-profile leader of two movements: The Black Lives Matter movement and the anti-Israel movement. The "intersectional" hijacking and crossover of domestic movements in the anti-Israel cause is something we have covered for years. Lamont Hill just admitted what we all knew, but some people deny: one of the goals of the Black Lives Matter movement is the destruction of Israel.


It is not hyperbole when I say that New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo has lost his mind. Cuomo threw out "unfounded allegations" against NY Assemblyman Ron Kim (D-Queens), who has accused Cuomo "of obstructing justice by covering up nursing home deaths from COVID-19." Cuomo once again deflected blame by placing it on The New York Post.

Just announced by his wife on his show. I suspected something was up when he repeatedly cancelled out of shows recently.

It's astounding that one of Joe Biden's first acts as president was to destroy thousands of jobs with the stroke of a pen. The people who lost their ability to provide for their families have spoken out, but their objections have fallen on deaf ears. Republicans, who are increasingly embracing working-class voters, are planning to make the Democrats pay a political price for this.