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Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion



Bari Weiss is a liberal columnist who just resigned from the NY Times. Her resignation letter has gone viral. Weiss never was a good fit at the NY Times, just as Bret Stephens isn't, because she is pro-Israel and speaks out against anti-Semitism at a paper that relentlessly pushes the false narrative of Palestinians as victims and Jews as oppressors in Israel and elsewhere. Those pro-Israel pro-Jewish stances were at the core of the hostility to her (in my opinion), or as she puts it in her resignation letter:

The press and Democratic politicians continue to wage war on common sense in the name of control. Coronavirus death rates are declining, and the medical system can handle more severe cases. California Governor Gavin Newsom is rolling back the economic reopening, which will severely hurt many small businesses that were beginning to recover from the initial shutdowns.

I believe education is the most local issue. I'm not even talking state or city. Education should be up to the school districts. But we have a Department of Education, which thinks America could reopen schools in the fall. The left has demonized President Donald Trump and Secretary Betsy DeVos, yet it seems a few pediatricians agree with them.

Maximo Alvarez, president of Sunshine Gasoline, attended an event at the White House on Friday. He based his remarks about the ongoing protests in the United States on his own experience as someone who escaped Castro's Cuba. His heartfelt words were very pro-America and pro-Trump, which is probably why this has been largely ignored by the media.

For months the Centers for Disease Control has been pressing social distancing guidelines on the nation to prevent the spread of coronavirus. The recommendations include standing at least 6 feet apart, wearing masks, and using hand sanitizer generously. All of these rules were thrown out the window by Black Lives Matter protesters as they marched and demonstrated. Furthermore, pillagers and rioters were likely ignoring infection control measures as they tore down statues, burned buildings, and looted stores.

New York City witnessed 15 shootings in 15-hours on Saturday as violence continues to surge in the Big Apple. On July 1, Mayor Bill de Blasio and the city council passed a budget, which included $1 billion cuts from the NYPD. Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez doesn't blame the cuts. Instead, she blamed unemployment "because struggling residents are forced to shoplift in order to 'feed their children.'"