Republicans Planning to Target Democrats Over Biden’s Job-Killing Keystone XL Policy
“House Democrats are going to pay the price for their job-killing, anti-energy agenda”

It’s astounding that one of Joe Biden’s first acts as president was to destroy thousands of jobs with the stroke of a pen. The people who lost their ability to provide for their families have spoken out, but their objections have fallen on deaf ears.
Republicans, who are increasingly embracing working-class voters, are planning to make the Democrats pay a political price for this.
Kerry Picket writes at the Washington Examiner:
Republicans mount campaign against Democrats over lost pipeline jobs
On his first day in office, President Biden signed an order that revoked the permit for the construction of the Keystone XL pipeline. Now House Republicans are practically salivating at the chance to use Biden’s move as a 2022 campaign cudgel against Democrats…
The administration of President Donald Trump approved the project, but Biden nixed it because, it said, a pipeline rupture posed imminent environmental threats. But for House Republicans, within striking distance of winning a House majority in 2022, it’s an opportunity to paint the Biden administration as a job-killer. Rep. Tom Emmer of Minnesota, chairman of the National Republican Congressional Committee, the GOP campaign arm, argues the change will cost many American jobs.
“House Democrats are going to pay the price for their job-killing, anti-energy agenda,” Emmer told the Washington Examiner in a statement…
Republicans are already targeting seats where they think Democrats will feel the heat for backing Biden’s halt of Trump administration support for Keystone and the Dakota Access Pipeline, as well as ban fracking on federal lands.
“The polling we did last cycle showed us in places like Texas, New Mexico, Oklahoma, just how devastating this job-killing, anti-energy agenda is,” Emmer said. “That’s why we won.”
This is a good strategy, but it doesn’t go far enough. Now that impeachment – the sequel is over, Republicans should be hammering Democrats and Biden as job killers in every media appearance. They also need to remind people that energy independence is a national security issue.
The recent power outages in Texas provide an excellent opportunity to remind people that despite the left’s love affair with wind and solar, natural gas and oil keep the lights on and the heat running.
Ric Grennell has the right idea here:
Biden’s policies of cancelling the Keystone pipeline, hostility to coal, nuclear & fracking – and his over reliance on wind & solar will make the situation worse for Americans and our allies.
— Richard Grenell (@RichardGrenell) February 16, 2021
To make matters worse, Hollywood climate change activists, who are now one of the main constituencies of the Democratic party, are urging Biden to shut down the Dakota Pipeline.
Phil Flynn reports at FOX Business:
After Keystone cancel, is the Dakota Access Pipeline next?
The Keystone XL pipeline is dead in the water thanks to President Biden, so what does that mean for the Dakota Access Pipeline and ultimately energy prices which have already spiked higher?
The 1,172-mile underground 30-inch diameter pipeline transporting light sweet crude oil from the Bakken/Three Forks production area in North Dakota to Patoka, Illinois to refiners in the Midwest has been a factor in keeping gasoline prices low. It is the main pipeline that moves oil out of North Dakota, our number 2 oil-producing state.
Yet Hollywood has a problem with that. FOX News reported that over 200 actors, sports star climate activists, indigenous leaders, and more have signed a letter calling on the Biden administration to shut down the long-disputed Dakota Access Pipeline for good.
These environmental celebrities which include, Aaron Rodgers, Amy Schumer, Don Cheadle and Mark Ruffalo to name a few, want you to pay more money for gasoline and are using their considerable influence with the White House to further what is already underway.
Republicans need to go on the attack over this. The narrative writes itself. Biden and the Democrats are destroying American jobs and threatening our national security.

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“On his first day in office, President Biden signed an order that revoked the permit for the construction of the Keystone XL pipeline. Now House Republicans are practically salivating at the chance to use Biden’s move as a 2022 campaign cudgel against Democrats…”
How is that going to work if the vote counting is not honest? The Franz von Papen Republicans who colluded with the Biden* campaign to certify last November’s massive steal really and truly don’t understand how a Communist dictatorship works.
They understand how it all works alright! You dont have to worry about that!
And they know how it works because they were part of the scheme to get Sloppy 10% China Joe in to the White House. You better believe these spineless nutless ball sacks AGREE with Everything Rapey Joe is doing.
Exactly…these very same Republicans seemed to have forgotten the deal they struck with Democrats to allow them to steal an election/s. They didn’t seem to understand that it is a permanent deal going forward…it already happened again in GA and it’s going to happen in every election at every level from now on.
Well, if they cared about winning and doing what’s best for the country, they wouldn’t have allowed it to go unchecked without investigation. Clearly, they do not.
However, in a fantasy world, let’s assume that they did care. It’s time to stop spending on war chests they have accumulated on stupid ads that don’t work any more in the era of DVRs and ad blockers. Spend that money instead on top level investigation firms to catch them in the act and implicate a real person. Then, actually have the stones and charisma to unify others enough to actually punish someone for their high crimes.
How do the Republicans think they are ever going get around Biden’s “most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics” – if he was correct, the Dems will never lose another election that they actually want to win.
Keystone pipeline stopped and no energy exploration on government owned lands. Increase our energy dependency while eliminating American jobs with the stroke of a pen. Xiden acting on behalf of his major client, China.
Okay, fine. You can make your campaign commercials so that you get elected the next time around…maybe.
But is there something substantive that you can do NOW to fight these schlumps? That would be great!
In a nutshell, this is what every conservative — including you, dear reader — needs to do ASAP:
1.) Contact your county Republican Party Committee, find out when and where it or your local district Party Committee meets (terminology varies from state to state), and attend the meeting.
2.) Introduce yourself. Be friendly, polite, and low key. The current officers may be wary of outsiders. Ask if a vacant precinct committeeman position exists for your precinct and volunteer to be appointed to fill it. If no vacancy currently exists (extremely unlikely), volunteer to be a “helper” for the existing precinct committeemen.
3.) Ask for a copy of the precinct committeeman handbook of your state party committee and study it and learn how to run for precinct committeeman in the next election for these positions.
Precinct committeemen are today’s political Minutemen. Can you at least give this a try? I guarantee you’ll find the experience very interesting and rewarding and you’ll meet a lot of interesting Republicans. And take along with you every conservative you know.
Precinct committeemen are the “elite” of the political parties – parties do not exist without them and fewer than one in one hundred political party members can be a voting member of the party.
Look on the Bight Side – all those laid off pipeline workers can get jobs delivering Democrat votes to all those Democrat election boards at two in the morning.
I don’t think this will work at all. It’s quite clear the Dems are abandoning Middle America and working to turn the coasts to enough of an advantage to once again desolate the heartland.
There aren’t enough jobs directly affected by the pipeline and enough of the coastal elitists that think they are smart will lap up and dutifully pass along the line that these people can just move over to jobs in another sector of industry like solar engineering. Dems are also masters of guilt trips for compassion when it affects their bottom line, but can flip that switch off in a heartbeat when it does not affect them.
“If there is hope, it lies in the Proles.” (In other words, convincing the lower and lower middle classes of these urban wastelands that these overlords are liars that don’t have their best interest at heart after all).
Good luck with that. Blacks continue to vote more than 90% Democrat despite the Democrats handing their jobs to illegal immigrants.
Don’t hold your breath.
Do you know how much these GOP morons gave to the CA recall of Newsom? Five million? Ten million.
Nope. A quarter million.
A garbage party, sure. But we are a garbage constituency for tolerating it.
Do you expect him to actually be replaced by a GOP governor?
The current disaster was predictable. The only surprise was how quickly the decision to curtail energy production would come back and bite them in the butt. Karma????
Good luck with that after HR1 becomes law.