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In response to the New York City subway attacks by Mona Eltahawy, the Egyptian-American activist, the Metropolitan Transit Authority has now determined that it will change its rules to prohibit any ads that it “reasonably foresees would imminently incite or provoke violence or other immediate...

Every time some prudish librarian or school board wants to ban books that they consider inappropriate for children, elites sniff at the rubes’ lack of sophistication and anti-intellectual bias.  As you’ll recall, during the 2008 election it became a big campaign issue that as mayor...

A group of Cook County Republicans have had it with the election fraud and Democratic machine politics of Chicago. They’re mounting an effort to fight back in one seemingly small, but in actual fact quite powerful, way. An effort led by suburban mom Sharon Meroni...

Peeing on dead terrorists and taking photos with their corpses will get you court-martialed. Dumping on America will get you elected President of the United States. And maybe reelected, too.  Breitbart: Not only are we seeing the White House and State Department call more attention to...

Obama attended an anti-Israel conference with Rashid Khalidi.  The L.A. Times will not release the video. Obama was caught on an open mic calling federal employees “slugs.”  CBS News will not release the tape. Obama was caught on an open mic promising the Russians to be more flexible if re-elected,...

It is plainly obvious that we have not been getting straight answers from Obama officials about what they knew and when they knew it about the dangers facing our consulate in Benghazi and throughout the region. It may be deception, or they may be so incompetent they...

Today marks the one-year anniversary of Occupy Wall Street, a movement born of disaffection, a surface-level distrust of the political and financial establishment, and more than all that together, ennui. To mark the occasion, what is left of the group is once again taking to...

This is the first post from new Legal Insurrection contributor Joel Engel ——————————– Early today, Professor Jacobson posted again about the movie 2016: Obama’s America, vis-à-vis producer Dinesh D’Souza’s response to reader criticisms, and concluded: There’s something to that film which has touched a nerve,...

Via Al Ahram English: Egyptian protesters on Tuesday took down the American flag from the walls of the US embassy in Cairo during a thousands-strong demonstration held to protest a short film produced by US based Coptic-Christians that critics say demeans Islam and the Prophet...

So is the panic over yet? It shoud be, because there never was a reason for panic to begin with.  Operation Demoralize went viral at the urging of the mainstream media, some Republicans and conservatives caught the fever, and for a weekend people lost their...

If you have been following this blog, you know that we have gone where others have not gone in helping to tell the story about Elizabeth Warren’s false claim to be Cherokee, how she used it in her career, and how she gave at best...

This is going to be a painful night to sit through. We will have to sit through 20 or so minutes of Liz Warren giving her standard lashing of business and Republicans, playing the holier than thou card.  There are few prominent politicians less deserving...

TV VANISH:Day 1 DNC, NBC down 24% from 2008. ABC down 36%. CBS took biggest hit, down 45%…NFL TO THE RESCUE! — MATT DRUDGE (@DRUDGE) September 5, 2012 Update: Mike Flynn at further reports: The headline speeches last night in Charlotte were a mayor...