Some of you asked just what the scene’s like on Chick-fil-A appreciation day in Chicago, home to #ChicagoValues, and the city at the heart of the controversy over Chick-fil-A after our mayor congratulated an alderman in shutting the company out of opening a second location within the city limits.
The line at 12:10pm extended down the city block from the entrance, full of Chicagoans who, it would seem, don’t share Mayor Rahm Emanuel’s definition of “Chicago Values.”
Republican candidate for Illinois State Representative Kimberly Small, along with a friend who took up a collection at his office, bought bags of the chicken sandwiches to deliver to an area homeless shelter.
A man just outside held up a collection box to buy lunch for Alderman Moreno’s office. His spiel? “Repay hate with kindness.”
The woman next to me in line brought her elderly mother, an immigrant, to Chick-fil-A after she learned of the Mayor’s antics. She emailed everyone from her church, upset that Christians were being discriminated against. “I told everyone I know,” she said.
In the Chicago suburban location in Schaumburg, IL, a line extended out the doors as well:
In the meantime, a new report from Rebel Pundit reveals that Alderman Moreno may be housing Barack Obama’s campaign office in his own aldermanic office, which would be in violation of several laws.
In addition to kindness, we can repay the hate with a little sunshine on the #ChicagoValues Rahm Emanuel and Alderman Moreno have been pursuing. The spicy chicken sandwich was delicious, btw.
Title H/T to LI reader TheDuchessofKitty
UPDATE: Reader Chick-fil-A pics here.

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Cardinal George to Rahm Emanuel: “Could Jesus be accepted as a Chicagoan?”
The Catholics are NOT gonna take it.
Neither are Black clergy…
From Cardinal George: “Neither Church nor state invented marriage, and neither can change its nature.”
Oh, no. Common Sense. Like Clorox on mildew, Common Sense is to Progressive ideas.
I think the Dhimmis have set themselves up for a very, very big letdown.
Those lines are all the message that is needed. Those are votes lost. I smell apologies coming. Smells like chicken.
Another Leftie tactic that failed, spectacularly!
It’s huge!
I can’t add links fast enough:
The lines were out around the street, with security directing traffic. People power!
I got you linked up, Anne!
I think that the liberals “in-your-face” tactics towards businesses, free speech and pursuit of the ridiculous will really haunt them in November.
I think that even the dumbed down public is fed up with this BS, political correctness and the total lack of common sense.
Hopefully, many in this liberal cabal of thieves, liars and oppressors will be evicted in November beginning with the head, “You didn’t build this,” supporter.
Toss ’em all out!
It’s embarrassing to be associated with these people even if you agree with them!
And I like babies and puppies.
A selective rule of law is definitely not in their favor. Too many people understand the corruption that it breeds. We need objective standards, including a standard rule of law.
So do I. Perhaps, spectacularly so. Pandering to less than 2% of the population to ostracize your two biggest voting blocks?
Not too smahht.
Dhimmis don’t understand that there is a difference between support and sympathetic. One can be very sympathetic yet, not support.
People are voting for their future, literally; tolerance, where normalization is not merited, but rejection is not advisable; and, the Southwest Chargrilled Salad.
Guy in the business next to me says he couldn’t get into the Chick-fil-A where I’d gone for breakfast and lunch (Cobb Corners Chick-fil-A, Rocky Mount NC). He says cars are backed up into the street and local police are on the scene redirecting traffic.
Boy, I sure hope Chick-fil-A can somehow survive this devastating boycott.
Great. A friend and I are headed out for lunch at the Chick-fil-A in Hollywood.
I hope (and trust) that the strutting spittle-spewing little Il Duce Moreno rues the day he brought such notice to himself.
We went to the Chicago Chick-fil-A around 1PM, and seemed like it was getting busier. I heard someone in line saying that they didn’t necessarily agree with the Chick-fil-A’s stance, but was supporting this because they didn’t like the idea of government trying to control business based on personal values.
Yhay is a smart person. If a govt can try to control busness based on an owner’s conservative opinion, a government elsewhere could do the same to an owner who is liberal. We really need to be concerned when government tries to police our thoughts.
Another landmark 1st Amendment case in the making. Thank you, Rahm.
Let me make this quote of mine a little more literary, just in case someone from the MSM catches this.
Every bite, every morsel you savor of a Chick-fil-A chicken sandwich, wrap, tender or salad, marks yet another well-deserved flip-of-the-bird sent right back at those who don’t believe We the People have First Amendment freedoms of religious exercise, speech or peaceful assembly.
There. I fixed it.
Gotta Love Americans. Definitely not a land of sheep, blindly following the LEADER. (I hope)
The CFA near Boston in the Burlington Mall had a line 3 people thick and stretched for 500 feet. People were waiting 90 minutes to place an order.
I wanted to go to lunch at the 30 E Chicago Ave Chick-fil-a but I work too far south of the Chicago River. It would have been a long walk.
That location is a few blocks east of the Moody Bible Institute. I was student there in the 70’s.
I’m a contradiction in terms, a conservative vegan, but today I’m patronizing Chic-fil-A.
It makes me proud to see people coming out and supporting their values. I hope Andrew B. is taking a look with a smile on his face.
You are not a contradiction. There are different reasons for being a vegan. You can be a vegan because you think it is healthier or you can become a vegan because animals are warm and fuzzy and have cute eyes. Of course that would allow a warm and fuzzy vegan to eat rattlesnake or oysters but, hey…. to each.
Many Seventh Day Adventists are vegans for religious reasons and I have yet to meet a liberal among them.
I keep telling everyone that the issue is NOT marriage, but the level of financial assistance from Chick-fil-A to the Alderman’s welfare fund…
That’s the #Chicagoway!
I had to drive nearly 40 miles (one way) to the nearest Chick-fil-A. There was a long line for food, but it moved quickly. I enjoyed my lunch there not just because of the good food, but also because it clearly pi$$ed off every lunatic-leftist in the area. [In many cars driving by the restaurants, the occupants either gave the finger (d-cRAT socialists) or honked and waved their support (normal people who respect the 1st Amendment). The latter far out-numbered the former. It was an interesting experience.]
I’m also 40 miles from the nearest CFA, but could not take the time to drive there for lunch.
I did, however, buy some gear.
Anne Sorock – reporting news that the lamestream media attempts to squelch!!!!
I went to the CFA at the Friendly Center in Greensboro, NC today for lunch. Unsuceesfully.
I got there at 1145am and the place was packed. The parking lot was full, the line for the drive through wrapped the building and people were parking in the lot next door and walking over. I went inside and there were at 60-75 people in line, with more piling in every minute.
I simply couldn’t wait. I had a 1pm meeting and there was no way I was going to make it if I waited.
Not to worry, DCP. Your simple presence, for however long, counted.
and here is a link to a piece I lifted from GateWay Pundit and posted at my blog ….. LOL….its happening everywhere folks
Chick- fil – A Boycott Fail
My local Chick-Fil-A, here in suburban H-Town is always packed. Today, it was noticeably more so.
They ran a story on my local T.V. news ….we don’t even have one here in Luzerne county …..the story pretty much said the liberals once again strapped on a pair of golf shoes and jumped up and down on their wangs
Boy, do I wish a TV Newser would actually say that….
I know. Never happen.
Out here in Orange County, CA – plenty of lines, no protesters. Lots more moms with babies than usual.
I dunno folks. The photo above, of the young lady having all that to-go chicken, walking the streets of Chicago, where citizens cannot be armed and gangs of thugs rove. I think she may be the most courageous and brave woman I’ve seen since Nancy Peloϟϟi strolled through that Tea Party rabble the day Teh Chosen One finally gave America Affordable Health Care.
I’m starting to get choked up now. I’ll eat some more waffle fries and calm down.
brave NP …..bull ….she knew she was as safe as if she were in mommie’s arms ….liberals hurt people … Republicans don’t ….don’t believe me ….look at our prisons
I had it for breakfast this morning and I’m mailing the receipt to Rham Emanuel. If you want to flood his office address is 121 N LaSalle Street Chicago City Hall 4th Floor
Chicago, IL 60602
Rahm Emmanuel! Time to eat some
crowchicken.THAT is an excellent idea!!
Imagine all the sales revenue being generated today for Chicago.
[…] is local but also solid. And as for the lone CFA in the Chicago, Legal Insurrection’s got that covered. A reminder to Rahm and that dumb alderman who wanted Chick-fil-A banned from his ward: […]
[…] Chicagoans hungry to flip the bird to Rahm, nicely ( […]
I just got back from the Chick-fil-A in Oceanside, CA. The wait in the drive thru was 45 minutes. People waiting to get inside to be served had a wait well over an hour, looked like over 200 people in line. When I left, the line of cars wound around the Walmart parking lot, up the street, around the corner and onto the freeway. The only menace was the news crew blocking traffic out of the parking lot.
Hoping to cash in on a liberal boycott, I sent a press release this morning to the Nashville (NC) Graphic, my local newspaper, announcing my outpatient clinic is family owned, does not support gay marriage, and is closed on Sundays.
So far, nuthin’. No lines, no protesters, nuthin’.
Nice try, HH.
LOL…. inspired
Eh, worth a shot.
[…] Chicago: Christians Riot as Chicken Runs Out! This entry was posted by fakedrudge. /* […]
[…] Legal Insurrection on the Chicago response […]
First they came for the communists, and I did not speak out – because I was not a communist;
Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out – because I was not a Jew;
Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out – because I was not a trade unionist;
Then they came for me – and there was no one left to speak out for me. ~ Pastor Martin Niemöller
Report from Hollywood: Chick-fil-A on the corner of Sunset and Highland was packed with cheerful patrons enjoying themselves. This is ground zero for LGBT movement, so about three dozen scruffy protestors with handmade signs and toy trumpets making a minor ruckus on the fringes (interesting color contrasts — protestors all monochromatic in mostly black and olive, with only splashes of color seen the eating area). Signs were predictable (“Hate” “Bigotry” “Anti-Gay” epithets abounding). PETA had their own little contingent, decrying meat. Employees seemed in high spirits. Pat Boone was there taking photos. Lefty stridency hasn’t changed in its ignorant one-dimensional emotionality and assuredly never will.
Wow!! A grassroots protest where people are orderly, engaging in economic activity with their own money, and not defecating in public. How refreshing! And I thought it was the conservatives that were evil and disgusting.
Acually, I shit myself at lunchtime, not as any sort of bizarre protest, but because of the length of the line at Chick-fil-A.
Went to the Chick-Fil-A at Park and Preston in Plano TX for both breakfast and lunch with my wife. At 6:00 am there were people waiting for the opening, and lunch had both the restaurant and the drive-thru packed. Several people said they were there as part of the buycott. No protesters.
Dear Lord, are people waking up? I have hope today, something that I feared was lost.
I think it is more of a case that this is so huge that the Blamestream®’s can’t hide it, spin it or ignore it. Try, as they will
I’m feeling better, too.
Oh, Sheppy Smith? *censored*, *censored*, *censored* and *censored*
I hope Chick-fil-A management is out there giving thanks, and passing out hats or free drinks for those in line, or whatever.
And hopefully chicken Rahm gets deep fried next election. He basically told Christians they have to change their beliefs to be welcome in his Chicago. Maybe his mob doesn’t have the iron grip he thinks they have.
I mailed Rahm a copy of a John Gotti biography so he doesn’t make the same ‘too big to fail’ mistake. Too late.
It’s more likely those voters who can afford to will continue to move out.
The real story is that Chick-fil-A paid the mayors to bar them from their cities, knowing that there would be a backlash. Now Chick-fil-A will have to build many new restaurants in Boston, Chicago, etc. The payoff is that the mayors will get a kickback from each sandwich sold.
Brilliant scam.
You forgot your sarcasm tag, TL.
Silly me. I thought that LI bloggers would get it without a sarc label. Oh, well. Lesson learned.
Thanks for picking up on the sarcasm, though.
I waited in the Mt Pleasant, SC CFA drive-thru for only about 15 minutes… at 11am this morning! By noon, most Charleston area CFAs had traffic jams and overflowed neighboring parking lots. At 12:30 one location had 75 cars on their frontage road waiting to get in!
I don’t have strong feelings one way or the other regarding gay marriage… but I do have VERY strong feelings regarding Freedom of Speech!
Chick-fil-A in Martinsburg deemed safe after bomb threat—.html
From the comments:
Aug-01-12 3:58 PM
Agree | Disagree
I personally don’t care either way about gay marriage , nor do I care what Cathy’s view is, but I do think his stating his opinion was a cheap trick for a lot of mouth to mouth advertising and if anyone gets hurt due to a real bomb/ shootings or anything else in the future in a store, he should be held accountable for it, he sparked it in the 1st place
“if anyone gets hurt due to a real bomb/ shootings or anything else in the future in a store, he should be held accountable for it, he sparked it in the 1st place”
Spoken like a true you-made-me-kill-you librul. No, you idiot, it’s totally the fault of the bomber.
I haven’t gone to the website (thanks for doing that for us, Browndog). Wonder if that jackass left his/her real name? Wotta loser.
“I do think his stating his opinion was a cheap trick for a lot of mouth to mouth advertising[…]”
Is having a strong religious belief for a businessman a “cheap trick”? Go tell that to other Christian businesspeople around the country, and you’d be run out of town on a rail!
“and if anyone gets hurt due to a real bomb/ shootings or anything else in the future in a store, he should be held accountable for it, he sparked it in the 1st place”
Oh yeah, just like the Tea Party has to be held accountable for the Aurora movie theater shooting, or Sarah Palin for the Giffords shooting…
We’re going for lunch on Saturday – can’t get there during the week.
Happy to say in my ultraliberal area of No. Virginia, my Chick-fil-A at 4 p.m. was really crowded, with folks coming in one after another. The drive-thru was jammed. Gave the staff a thumbs up!!! Yay for people standing up for American values.
[…] Of course, the support Chick-fil-A day has been a HUGE success, except for the Left, which is being reminded just how UNPOPULAR their radicalism is. Among the hardest hit? Rahm Emanuel, who is eating a lot of “birds” apparently was wrong about Chick-fil-A NOT meeting the values of Chicago […]
[…] Atlanta, is local but also solid. And as for the lone CFA in the Chicago, Legal Insurrection’s got that covered. A reminder to Rahm and that dumb alderman who wanted Chick-fil-A banned from his ward: […]
How about next Wednesday we celebrate Take A Gay Friend To Lunch Day at Chick-fil-A.
My completely unscientific gut feeling is there are many gay folks that are horrified by the antics of a very noisy minority within a minority who are smart enough to realize this has nothing to do with gay rights and everything to do with an attack on everyone’s basic freedoms.
You might have something there.
[…] Legal Insurrection reports that the Chick-fil-A in Rahm Emanuel’s Chicago was mobbed today. […]
[…] Chicagoans hungry to flip the bird to Rahm, nicely […]
[…] soon learned that the Internet was flush with support for Chick-fil-A here, here, and here, including photos of the long […]
Before this controversy began, I’d never heard of Chick-Fil-A. Now, I’m going to eat there the next time I get a chance. Talk about free publicity!
By the way, your article didn’t say *where* in Chicago the restaurant is located. It’s 30 E. Chicago, near Water Tower Place, around the corner from the Rush St bar district, and just west of Holy Name Cathedral.
How would Rahm and others react if a mayor said he wasn’t going to allow minorities, Chatholics, or Muslims to operate businesses in his town?
Whatever happened to “race, color, or creed”?
The mayor needs to be asked to list those values he feels that Chick-fil-A has less than Chicago. The mayor accused the COMPANY of insufficient values. They have never discriminated against anyone nor broke any laws. Mayor, what valuse, specifically, are you talking about? No generalities, please.
[…] FLIPPING THE BIRD TO RAHM: Chicago Chick-Fil-A Mobbed. […]