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Bringing you another tale of citizen insurrection on the streets of Chicago, after our city, the most gun-controlled in the nation, ended the year with 532 murders. This time, at a meeting to discuss housing foreclosures and the corrupt system of redevelopment contracts, local grassroots...

It’s coming, really, it is. Just not by January 3, as hoped. Figure later in January. We’ve had an epiphany as to design that will require some more work. Better to be a little late and great, than a little early and not so great....

And it goes on, and on, and on. Any notion that the pathetic racial politics which drive Democrats would relax post-election were shattered immediately.  There is a sickness in the Democratic Party and media which just seems to get worse and worse. It’s bad enough...

As is traditional with the season, the end of the year is a chance to look back and reflect on the events that occurred over the past 365 days. And what a year it has been! Here are some stories, beyond the election and the...

Chicago’s Mayor Rahm Emanuel, former White House chief-of-staff for Obama, recently condemned the NRA’s Wayne LaPierre for suggesting that armed guards in schools could be appropriate in some situations. Yet, it appears that Rahm sends his own children to a school protected by an armed...

As we move into 2013 and the legal insurrections, we should learn from history. As Thomas Lifson at American Thinker points out, now that the major institutions have been surrendered, it’s time to emulate the left, Here comes the Alinskyite Right: David Gregory and Piers...

The 2012 word of the year ought to be “emboldened,” in reference to the radical left, the anti-freedom elements of our society: the union operatives, naive but militant Occupy, radical anti-Americanists, and leftist community organizers. During my lifetime, there has always been an undercurrent of collusion...

WaPo reports, Crowder files complaint with Michigan state troopers: Delivering on a pledge that he made this week on “Hannity,” Fox News contributor Steven Crowder has filed a complaint with the Michigan State Police in connection with the pummeling he sustained during the union protests...

There are multiple videos shot by different people, including a local news station, showing union members in Lansing yesterday engaged in violent actions against Steven Crowder and others at the Americans For Prosperity tent. The videos were shot from several angles and sides of the tent. ...

I personally will never forget the horrendous 2009 Christmas Eve Senate vote for Obamacare. Around the same time, the “stimulus” legislation that eventually became the American Recovery and Investment Act was being bandied about the halls of Congress with tons of hyper-partisan theater. Now, it...