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The House Oversight and Government Reform Committee is holding a hearing Wednesday morning at 9:30am with top administration Information Technology officials to examine the rollout of You can watch below. Among the issues likely to be addressed at the hearing are security and testing...

Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius will testify Wednesday morning at 9:00am ET before the House Energy and Commerce Committee.  The session, entitled PPACA Implementation Failures: Answers from HHS, is expected to focus on issues with the troubled rollout of and address questions...

#StopWatchingUs, the Rally Against Mass Surveillance, kicked off Saturday morning in Washington DC and continues into the afternoon.  It’s been an interesting mix of demographics, with people there from both left and right.  The coalition includes an equally (and oddly) diverse collection of organizations...

From Bob: Good Evening, Professor! Spotted in Nashua, NH this afternoon. I immediately thought of you and snapped a quick pix with my iPhone. Following your advice, I was at a full stop when I took the photo. But like any self-respecting Boston driver, when...

Senator Ted Cruz is currently “filibustering” on the Senate floor to #MakeDCListen on defunding Obamacare.  According to various pundits and outlets, this is not technically a filibuster of course, but Professor Jacobson explains that a vote for cloture is a vote for Harry Reid. Live...

The hostage standoff at the Nairobi Mall attacked by Somali jihadists still is ongoing. There are conflicting reports as to the involvement of Israeli commandos in trying to free the hostages, with some reports indicating an active role, other reports just an advisory role. At...

A friend and LI reader, who has to remain anonymous because of his job, sent me an email last night about Marty Bodrog, who was killed in the Navy Yard shooting: My USNA ’81 classmate Marty Bodrog was killed yesterday by the douchebag at the...

James Rosen of Fox News sketched the image below while waiting for Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov to appear before reporters. Rosen tried to parlay it into an exclusive interview, but no luck, via AP: Then Fox News television correspondent James Rosen reached over and handed...

After testifying yesterday before the Senate, John Kerry, Chuck Hagel and General Martin Dempsey are testifying before the House Foreign Affairs Committee: Rep Tom Cotton: No one benefits from chem weapon ban more than U.S. soldiers — supports authorization — Legal Insurrection (@LegInsurrection)...