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Here are some obligatory Sarah Palin morning posts, because while you were sleeping, Palin was inching closer to Barack Obama in the polls, driving the nutroots crazy, getting positive late-night coverage for a change (that should really scare the PDS crowd), and generally having fun:...


The Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation and affiliated Susan G. Komen for the Cure spearhead efforts to raise funds for and awareness of breast cancer. Joe Lieberman's wife, Hadassah, has a compensated position as a "global ambassador."But Joe Lieberman doesn't tow the leftist line...

Kathleen Parker, one of many swooning over Obama's Oslo speech, observes:Rising to the occasion, he managed to redeem himself at a low point in his popularity by reminding Americans of what is best about themselves. My cynical translation:Obama's drop in the polls has forced him...

The Speech. In Oslo. Oh my. He didn't apologize, as such. He spoke of a "just war." Of his obligation as President to defend the country. As if this all were a revelation.Ooooh. Aaaah. Says the vast right-wing conspiracy, in many and surprising places.It's all...

How often have we heard the left-wing blogs blather about the greatness of Medicare. How often do we hear how happy people are with Medicare, and how that proves that government run health plans should be extended to everyone.But there is a big, ugly lie...

Harry Reid needs more than a weekend off. Perhaps we should, in the national interest, schedule a series of fundraisers for Reid running through the end of the year.I say this because scheduling a fundraiser for Reid appears to be the only way to get...

Over the summer I repeatedly sounded the alarm about one particular aspect of the Democratic health care proposals, the mandate that individuals purchase insurance under threat of penalty or incarceration. At the time I noted the unprecedented nature of the mandate, in my post Taxing...

The football games will run really, really late on Sunday, then I'll fall asleep for an hour, and it will all be over:Added:  Looks like an hour of sleep will not get me through the night:--------------------------------------------Follow me on Twitter and Facebook...

No, not another Tiger Woods post. A "pick me up" as in lifting my spirits just a little as I read the headlines about Harry Reid desperately trying to talk his way into something, anything, Barack Obama can sign prior to the State of the...

The Telegraph in Britain has a story about a massive iceberg which broke off from the Antarctic ice cap and is heading for Australia. The iceberg is so large that if it hits the mainland it would cause a 3.0-4.0 tremor on the Richter scale....

Senator Orrin Hatch has written a Hanukkah song. The background is here. Thanks, Orrin.There's a lesson to be learned here, but unfortunately the Jewish community will not learn it because it is so deep in the pocket of the Democratic Party that it cannot see...

No one gives Scott Brown, the Republican primary winner, much chance at defeating Martha Coakley, the Democratic nominee. It's Massachusetts, and it's to fill Ted Kennedy's seat.But keep an eye on Massachusetts. It's a special election, and turnout could be low as it was in...

In recent days Democrats started floating the idea of a "Medicare Buy-In" proposal, and as of last night, there appears to be a deal, although the details are not fully known. I addressed the lack of merits in a prior post.What is critical is that...

Do not be alarmed. This is no cause for concern. It's not as if the government put your medical records online. And Bush probably is to blame, anyway:--------------------------------------------Follow me on Twitter and Facebook...

Why am I not surprised. The head of the UN's climate organization has demanded that American taxpayers "show me the money" by funding billions of dollars of climate change programs in poorer countries:At the Copenhagen climate summit, the world’s top environment watchdog welcomed the fact...

When protests over a fraudlent election spread in Iran last June, the Obama administration insisted that it needed to tread carefully so as to leave open the possibility of dialogue with the Iranian regime on the nuclear issue. The possibility of a regime change instigated...

The latest Democratic ploy to get to a single-payer system is a wolf in sheep's clothing hidden inside a Trojan horse.According to reports, "moderate" and "liberal" Democrats are proposing a massive expansion of Medicare and Medicaid as a substitute for a "public option":Senate Democratic liberals...