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Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion


An Islamic terrorist, with apparent ties to al-Qaeda in Yemen, just attempted to blow up a plane as it was landing in Detroit. Al-Qaeda activities in Yemen are a real problem, as witnessed by the U.S. missile attack on Yemen just days ago against an...


Time Magazine Person of the Year: Ben Bernanke.The Times of London's Person of the Year: Neda Soltan.--------------------------------------------Follow me on Twitter and Facebook...

Media Matters is watching everything that FoxNews, and conservative commentators such as Rush Limbaugh, say or do waiting to pounce on any sentence, or clause in a sentence, or word in a clause, which can be twisted out of context and blown up into a...

Juan Cole, who thinks people chanting "Death to America" are merely misunderstood, uses this Christmas morning to launch an attack on Israel, "Bethlehem Under Occupation; In the absence of all hope, we cry out our cry of hope."With an embedded video from al-Jazeera, and a...

The Obama administration's strategy of engagement with Iran has been an abysmal failure. The administration hoped that a policy of silent acceptance of Iranian repression of protesters in June would yield results at the negotiating table. But the much ballyhooed breakthrough in September regarding uranium...

Harry Reid got his 60 votes earlier this morning. Some initial thoughts:The mainstream media is going to go back into campaign mode, to see that some form of Harry-Nancy-Obama-care, or is it Obama-Nancy-Harry-care, gets passed. The NY Times already is on the case pressing the...

Yesterday I posted on Jane Hamsher's appearance on Fox News to demand defeat of the Senate bill.Today, Hamsher and Grover Norquist, who runs the conservative Americans for Tax Reform, have issued a joint letter demanding the resignation of Rahm Emanuel, and an investigation into Emanuel's...

HotAir via Politico is reporting that the Obama administration has learned that there is sufficient resistence in the House to the Senate plan that the push to pass final legislation, after conference, will be delayed until after Obama's January State of the Union address.I'd like...

One idea being floated on the internet is a "National Strike" on January 20, 2010, to protest Obama's State of the Union address in light of the irresponsible health care legislation and out-of-control spending.I completely sympathize with the emotion behind the idea. But the idea...

I may have to turn this into a series. Someone please tell me again that this is a hoax, or a bad Photoshop, or something. Via Big Government, the Obama's White House Christmas tree not only has an ornament with Mao's photo on it, there...

Forget the junior Congressman from Alabama who is defecting to the Republicans. The big defection of the day was the decision by Jane Hamsher, proprietor of the left-wing Firedoglake group blog and organizer of the Hadassah Lieberman boycott, to appear on Fox News to call...

I have been warning since early June about the danger of the Independent Medicare Advisory Board.IMAB is a board appointed by the President with congressional approval, to submit recommendations on Medicare payments and costs. IMAB is modeled, somewhat, on the Base Closing Commission which made...

As part of his broad attack this weekend on opponents of the Democratic health care plans, Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI) declared:"The lowest of the low was the Republican vote against funding and supporting our troops in the field in a time of war. As a device...

What did the tanning industry ever do to deserve being singled out for a new 10% surtax on all indoor tanning services in Harry Reid's Manager's Amendment?The tanning tax was a substitute for the cosmetic surgery tax (a/k/a Botax) in the prior bill.This may seem...

Sheldon Whitehouse, my Democratic Senator from Rhode Island, has joined the Alan Grayson wing of the Democratic party with a speech so over the top that it is an infuriating embarrassment. I wasn't going to post on this. But then I listened to the speech, in...

The meme circulating today is that Republicans made a tactical error by failing to cooperate more with Democrats early on in the health care debate, pushing so-called moderate Democrats like Evan Bayh into the arms of Harry Reid and Barack Obama.That meme is a bunch...