Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion - Part 2563
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Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion


Last July I reported on the absurdity of federal Stimulus Plan money going to building miles of new sidewalks in Warren, Rhode Island, in areas where few people walked.Last November, I reported on the fact that the unnecessary new sidewalks were built improperly.Now I can report that...


It should be over, like disco.(video h/t HotAir)Update:  Thanks to reader DinoRightMarie for the link to this Wall Street Journal article which points out the fallacy of the 9-to-5 movement, There Is No Male-Female Wage Gap.  The 9-to-5 movement should go the way of disco,...

Barack Obama promised us hand-to-hand combat, and his speech yesterday was the start.The nation is facing a debt crisis of historic proportions, but nothing will be done because Obama already has launched his presidential campaign.  A compromise must included serious changes to unsustainable entitlements which...

I've had a chance to read Obama's budget speech, and have seen clips on television. I was right in my anticipation that Obama would play the blame Bush game, and that he would demonize the "Top 2%," and he did.  With gusto.But even I could...

I did not get a chance to listen to Obama's "the end of the deficit as we know it" speech.  Karl Rove is speaking on campus tonight, and I attended a private, off-the-record meeting with Rove and all of the openly conservative faculty in this...

KathleenMaddow referred to "nullification" as something only "racist neo-Confederates" would support. Tom Woods makes an apt criticism of this insipid characterization over at Lew Rockwell:Whatever happened to “small is beautiful,” Rachel? Remember that progressive slogan (along with “question authority,” yet another such slogan to bite...

If not, it's all over in the Wisconsin Supreme Court race, as reported by WiscPolitics Election Blog:The canvasses from Sauk and Taylor counties have now been posted to the GAB website. But it could be until the end of today or even tomorrow before Milwaukee...

You think dealing with insurance companies is hard, at least you have choices, for now. Once government takes over, you get what you get, just like at the airports now. And fighting with an insurance company may land you in court, but fighting with the...

Alexander Burns at Politico argues that Wisconsin in 2011 is a template for what will happen nationally in 2012, a split electorate with a narrow margin of victory:Wisconsin’s contested Supreme Court race has set in motion a drama that’s by now almost painfully familiar. It...

I previously posted about The Culture of Jumping To Conclusions At Widener Law School, including allegations by Widener law school professor Lawrence Connell that Widener Dean Linda Ammons falsely accused Connell of racism and sexism, and of engaging in threatening behavior by using a hypothetical example in criminal law class involving an...

Kathleenin the north when I could be in Sandy Springs, GA? It's like a baby charter city! --------------------------------------------Follow me on Twitter, Facebook, and YouTubeVisit the Legal Insurrection Shop on CafePress!...

If you have not realized it by now, Public Policy Polling -- which works for DailyKos -- has become an important part of the left-wing messaging machine, with a relentless series of polls spun as bad news for Republicans since the November 2010 elections, and...

In case you were wondering.Spotted by a reader near Chicago this weekend:--------------------------------------------Related Posts:Bumper Stickers - The SeriesFollow me on Twitter, Facebook, and YouTubeVisit the Legal Insurrection Shop on CafePress!...

The Government Accountability Board (GAB) in Wisconsin is the governmental entity which is responsible for elections.Ever since Waukesha County Clerk Kathy Nickaulous discovered during the county's election canvass that the city of Brookfield was not included in numbers initially reported to the press, Democrats have been crying foul...

I posted yesterday about how Recall Wirch expects to submit several thousand more signatures than required for a recall election of Democratic state Senator Robert Wirch, who fled along with 13 other Democrats to Illinois.Now Democrats are organizing to challenge as many of the signatures...

The Democrat in Waukesha County who verified -- on video -- that the numbers from the city of Brookfield mistakenly were left out of the count reported to AP now insists she didn't see nothin' (via The PJ Tatler):I am 80 years old and I don’t understand anything...

Kathleen I caught wind of the story of a girl who was volunteering in a Seattle public school over her spring break:"At the end of the week I had an idea to fill little plastic eggs with treats and jelly beans and other candy, but...