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The Daily Beast - Newsweek merger apparently is not doing too well in terms of web traffic, with Newsweek plunging and The Daily Beast stagnant.How desperate is The Daily Beast to make the Newsweek merger work?When I clicked over from a link at HotAir, it brought up this pop-up,...


Thanks to a reader in Wisconsin for sending me this link to a press release from the Recall Jim Holperin Committee and video posted at the website of conservative talk show host Charlie Sykes, regarding intimidation efforts directed against Republicans seeking signatures on recall petitions against one...

I've read so far is from Bob Costa of National Review:Walker knows that his Badger State battles have only begun. Facing down on-the-lam Democrats — and winning — was a relief; closing a $3.6 billion budget gap will be a higher-order task.Earlier this month, Walker...

During the so-called Gaza flotilla last summer, I pointed out that the main goal was to bust the Israeli naval blockade of Gaza, in which ship heading for Gaza would be inspected for weapons, to open up sea lanes for shipping large quantities of weapons...

The tape of NPR officials trying to pry money from people who presented themselves as Muslim Brotherhood inspired, anti-Israeli and anti-Jewish advocates, has damaged NPR tremendously, as reflectred in my prior post, NPR Please Meet The Fork Which Is About To Be Stuck Into You...

I was in New York over the weekend. Just as I had forgotten how polemic and distasteful Manhattan mini-storage ads were, I saw this gem on the West Side Highway. (I was in the passengers seat, no lefty or righty was hurt in the taking...

Or should I say, the first Media Matters post about me. regarding my post, The Great Tractorcade That Wasn't. And written by none other than the lead blogger there, Eric Boehlert: Right-wing Blogger Doesn't Know What "Brigade" Means. Doesn't Media Matters, with all its new...

Ann Althouse posted a video about Ronald Reagan's criticism of the Berkeley protests in the 1960s, which includes this comment by Michael Rossman (at 1:22 of the clip):"He won by pandering to a citizenry that is outraged by what these terrible insolent ungrateful children were doing on the...

Here is a recap of the Polling 101 series of Guest Posts by Matthew Knee, which ran last week:How People Answer PollsSamples & Margin of ErrorHandling BiasEvaluating The Public Employee Union PollsYou Can't Learn Much From Asking People Their IdeologyThe series was a real eye-opener...

From some of the reports, one would think Wisconsin farmers had turned out en masse with their tractors to side with public sector employee unions against Gov. Scott Walker and the Republicans who control the legislature.The New York Times reported that "Farmers descended on the Capitol...

Dems are taking a gamble for the support of independents in 2012 by trying to take a hit at Romney:BOSTON -- President Barack Obama and other top Democrats have lavished praise on former Massachusetts Republican Gov. Mitt Romney for signing the health care law in...

.... in order to achieve a racial and ethnic mix of players which looks more like America.Sorry, I meant, the City of Dayton, Ohio, to lower police test score thresholds, a move which even the local NAACP chapter opposes:The Dayton Police Department is lowering its testing...

The 400 wealthiest people control more wealth than that controlled by bottom economic half the population. Michael Moore said it, and PolitiFact checked it, so it must be true.So what?There is no limit to wealth in a free-market, capitalist society, unlike a socialist society where government...

Via The Cornell Insider:"[The Cornell University Program Board] is excited to present An Evening with Keith Olbermann ’79 on March 29th at 6:00 PM in Bailey Hall! Olbermann needs no introduction, but in case you’re unaware, he is a writer and political commentator who until...

stabs a three-month old infant to death?Children have been killed in war before, unfortunately.But the thought of the person or people who stood over her, and what was going through their minds as they cut her, is just unimaginable.More of the photos released by the...

Some people never learn:HONOLULU (HawaiiNewsNow) - The natural disaster of a tsunami could actually provide a temporary boost to the global economy.Larry Summers, former director of President Obama's economic council and a former head of the World Bank, said rebuilding could temporarily boost the Japanese...