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Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion


This past Saturday marked a change for the now-annual Wisconsin Tax Day Tea Party in Madison, Wisc. While thousands turned out -- an organizer said it was 6,300 --  it wasn't the masses that had showed up in the pouring rain last year to see...


“Barack Obama Deficit-Slayer”, by Matthew Yglesias, June 22, 2009: As the economy recovers, tax revenues will rise, social safety net outlays will fall, and stimulus measures will begin to tamp down. If we can assume further growth in 2011, the complete expiry of Recovery Act provisions, and...

Considering the bumper sticker below, spotted in Ithaca, a little history lesson is in order: The Saint Patrick's Day Four (also, The Saint Patrick's Four, or SP4) are four American peace activists of Irish Catholic heritage who poured their own blood on the walls, posters, windows,...

This video (via Above The Law, h/t tip from Badger Pundit) was taken on the edge of the Harvard Law School campus.  The building in the opening shot is a new building where Wyeth Hall, the dorm I lived in first year, used to stand. They...

but will they vote in larger numbers and against Obama this year? I'm not really in a position to assess that, so enlighten me. ...

A reader writes: Not sure if you have something planned for tax day, but thought you'd like a little perspective from the private sector. If you do use it, please hold back our names - a few of my clients are liberals! The joys of being a small business...

What is known in the media and Obama campaign speak as The Worst Recession Since The Great Depression, or The Great Recession, is Obama's excuse for everything. It's Bush's fault, Obama inherited all our problems, etc. The Bush Great Recession is Obama's pass to pass the buck. So keep in...

Via Jerusalem Post: Public Security Minister Yitzhak Aharonovitch told reporters at the airport Sunday, "As you can see, things are working normally at Ben-Gurion." The minister said the attempts by pro-Palestinian activists to enter Israel as part of the "flytilla" protest were still at their peak and...

Put aside, for the moment, the snotty and snide aspect of Hilary Rosen's comment that Ann Romney "never worked a day in her life." Put aside, for the moment, the psychological need of liberal female pundits to belittle a woman who chose a different path in life, while the person...

I think this is a fair description of the racial narrative of the shooting of Trayvon Martin by George Zimmerman: George Zimmerman (1) shot Trayvon Martin (2) because a black teenager in a hoodie is frightening (3) to whites, as proven by (4) Zimmerman's description of Martin as suspicious...

Thanks to Charlie Sykes for reminding us that Scott Walker is not the only target in the June 5 Wisconsin recall elections: Other conservative moms have been subjected sexist attacks, but few have had to endure the volume of vile epithets raw hate directed at Becky. She has...

Joel Brinkley, currently a Professor at Stanford who spent most of his career as a foreign correspondent for The New York Times, has a column in the San Francisco Chronicle titled Islamists in Egypt, Libya, Tunisia not democratic. The thesis of the column is that Westerners who took...

It always ends badly: A commenter using the pseudonym “Milwaukeean” has been active here for the past couple of weeks regarding the various court and other disputes in Wisconsin. Milwaukeean didn’t seem to cross the line from dissenter to troll, made some good points at times, and...

I'm not sure of what. From reader Steve, who writes: From a gentrified rural nursery in the Seattle metro area. ...