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Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion


in the country you fear America is becoming. Spotted in Ithaca.  ...


I've received some great emails from readers, a mix of sadness and fight. You have to understand my philosophy. You may have noticed in the run up to the election, I refused to make a prediction based on the polls or criticisms of the polls. Because it...

There have been lots of rumors swirling that Allen West was ahead by a couple hundred votes, or that there was substantial "overvoting" which affected the race. None of those rumors appear to be correct. The Shark Tank blog in Florida has the latest information: There’s a...

Today in 1975, @un's darkest moment - adoption of #Zionism = #Racism resl - Since revoked in law...

Another great analysis by Caroline Glick (h/t Linda in Tennessee): The American spirit has been overwhelmed by the European model of social democracy at home and appeasement and treachery abroad. But all the dependency champions who celebrated on Tuesday night cannot stop the coming storm. The greatest...

I am more convinced than ever that a shock to the higher-ed system is needed. Universities have turned into political training grounds for can't-do left-wing professors and administrators who use campuses as laboratories for churning out foot soldiers for the dependency state: Professor Denies Stalin Murdered Millions Florida Professor Pens Book...

From April 29, 2009, after Arlen Specter switched parties and the Dems gained their SuperMajority in the Senate (pending Al Franken election recount), and the political world looked a lot more grim than right now ...

Note: You may reprint this cartoon provided you link back to this source. To see more Legal Insurrection Branco cartoons, click here. Branco’s Facebook page is Cartoonist A.F.Branco ...

Via Drudge, this is why coastal elites call it "flyover country." Jefferson hated cities.  He thought they spread disease and bad ideas, and believed the perfect republic was composed of educated farmers who by night read Homer in the original Greek. In these disunited states, United Airlines'...

Hillary will be the Democratic nominee in 2016, if she wants it. There is no second tier of rising Democrats.  The newer House members were wiped out in 2010.  The Senators are decrepit, except for a certain woman who will not sell nationally no matter how...

Sure, let's start the speculation about 2016.  It helps take our minds off of Tuesday. And we need to plan ahead for the race against Hillary.  (It will be Hillary, don't you know.  Bill didn't do all that for Obama.) As longtime readers know, we were Perry-curious...