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Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion


in 2012. From reader ProfShadow: Here is one from Jacksonville, Florida on Friday, Sept 21 ...


Each day until Election Day we will feature a previously unpublished photo sent in by a Legal Insurrection reader on National Empty Chair Day, September 3, 2012. The countdown continues with 29 days to go. Today's heart-felt Empty Chair photo comes to us from Doug, Sue, Jed, and Jessica in...

We have featured The Iveys before to a very good reader reaction. The band members are the cousins of LI reader, photographer (also, here, here) and West Texas correspondent Danelle, who also happens to be one of the first to email me whenever I get a national media reference,...

I know a woman who immediately covers her ears when the topic gets to Obama and what he’s done wrong and what he hasn’t done right.  She doesn’t believe any of the things she accidentally overhears and accuses me of making it up.  “Where do...

Note: You may reprint this cartoon provided you link back to this source. To see more Legal Insurrection Branco cartoons, click here. Branco’s Facebook page is Cartoonist A.F.Branco ...

There is an investigative report released today at both an Townhall and detailing how weak or non-existent security controls allow foreigners to funnel money to the Obama campaign: OFA seems to be taking advantage of a “foreign donor loophole” by not using CVV on...

I posted yesterday about the race between David Cicilline (D RI-01) and Republican Brendan Doherty. Cicilline has managed to pull into a small lead because of an over-the-top Mediscare campaign and faded memories of Cicilline's cover-up of Providence's financial disaster. The Doherty campaign has just launched a...

From reader Mori: I spotted this today at the library in Carlsbad, CA. Not sure if you've posted this one. I'm noticing more Romney stickers than Obama stickers...

The paragraph which has not yet been written: A beleaguered people suffering under economic hardship due to the crony statist policies of a political bully who played upon class divisions and used hand-outs to the poor as a political tool, have elected to the presidency a...

Each day until Election Day we will feature a previously unpublished photo sent in by a Legal Insurrection reader on National Empty Chair Day, September 3, 2012. The countdown continues with 30 days to go. Today's great Empty Chair photo comes to us courtesy of Lady Liberty who writes, "perhaps...

I have neglected to promote posts from the Tip Line in the past few weeks, as events consumed my attention.  If you are not checking out the Tip Line, you are missing a lot of what your fellow commenters are posting. Mary Matlin calls out Paul Krugman on...

Paul Ryan is expected to do well in the VP debate, essentially the reverse of what was expected for the presidential debate where Obama was favored going in. The expectations are high, I think too high: Ryan does, however, have a lot of non-debate debating experience dealing...

in the psychiatric implosion on the left resulting from Obama's empty chair performance at the debate? It's a guilty pleasure ...

I have warned you that former Providence Mayor and current Congressman David Ciciline is one of the most effective Mediscare mongers. In his 2010 run for Congress, during which he lied about the abysmal finances of Providence in order to get elected, Cicilline ran a bus tour of Senior...