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Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion


A follow up to yesterday's post about a sign in Glenview, Illinois. From reader Jeff: Attached is another of those nasty repubs in Chicago being insubordinate to our fearless leader. Interstate 290 in Schaumburg, a suburb northwest of Chicago. About 15 minutes or so northwest of O'hare airport. If...


A timely reminder that we still don't really know Obama...

Because a tape is being released on Hannity tonight. And based on this tease by Drudge, it should be big. Guesses? One thing for sure, Democrats will scream Racism! for showing a tape of Obama saying words which are not helpful to Obama. Maybe that will result in a...

Elizabeth Warren is running hard left in her rhetoric, but the reality is she served big companies in her extensive private legal practice and got paid big, big dollars for it. At the first debate, Brown scored big points on Warren's representation of Travelers, for which...

Thanks to the inimitable David Burge (AKA Iowahawk), I came upon a piece written by a New York University student titled—no kidding—“Have we taken free speech too far?”  The news hook for Muslim student Faria Mardhani's not-so-rhetorical question is the story of the Egyptian activist (and...

From the company which produced 2016: Obama's America. Opening in theaters on October 12, 2012.  Just in time to help get people motivated. (h/t Gateway Pundit) From the archives: Andrew Breitbart dead A personal note on the death of Andrew Breitbart, . Weinergate retrospective — the lying liars and their lies about...

I'm not getting overly confident, but this is encouraging, Latest poll: Mia Love pulls ahead of Jim Matheson in 4th District race: Saratoga Springs Mayor Mia Love has overcome a double-digit deficit to overtake Rep. Jim Mathesonin Utah's hotly contested 4th Congressional District, the latest Deseret...

The video below, Absolutely Uncertain (h/t @SGLawrence) already has over 800,000 views on YouTube. I understand Irina's point, the trust in Obama has been shaken, and now she is uncertain about Obama's commitment to Israel. I'm not uncertain.  I am certain that in a second term, freed...

will be punished severely.  I think the building inspector just found several violations. From commenter 9th District Neighbor, who took this photo in Glenview, IL (Cook County): I snapped this photo today—the sign is very recent, it probably went up over the weekend. North suburban Cook County is...

Quick takes on the debate which just ended. End Result -- As with most of these things, people will see what they want. I'd say while Brown won hands down the first debate, this one was more even.  Brown won big on Warren's personal problems, which took...

This is the second debate, being held at U. Mass. Lowell, starting at 7 p.m. Eastern.  There should be live feeds on,,, and CBS 3 in Springfield . It may also be on CSPAN. David Gregory is the moderator - ugh.  Let me guess how...

Note: You may reprint this cartoon provided you link back to this source. To see more Legal Insurrection Branco cartoons, click here. Branco’s Facebook page is Cartoonist A.F.Branco ...