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Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion


The U.S. Census, always seeking ways to go above and beyond its constitutional role of counting the number of people in the United States, may be planning to ask questions regarding sexual orientation in the 2020 Census community survey. A national advisory committee has been tasked...


Note: You may reprint this cartoon provided you link back to this source. To see more Legal Insurrection Branco cartoons, click here. Branco’s Facebook page is Cartoonist A.F.Branco ...

There are a number of flip opportunities, just check out the Operation Counterweight Final List. But this one would be special, getting rid of David Cicilline in my home District in favor of Brendan Doherty: The latest polling showed Cicilline with a single digit lead within the...

Gallup's Daily Tracking Poll today shows Romney leading among likely voters 51-45% and 48%-46% among registered voters. I wonder whether the people in this video are part of the 51% or the 45%. I'm guessing the 45%. ...

Heading into last night’s debate, I didn’t believe Candy Crowley would be an honest broker or that the room would be filled with “undecided” voters.  Both doubts were proved true at the same moment. Of all the statements that Crowley decided to fact check, why that...

A reader writes: Good morning! Any guesses as to what this referencing???? The tweets for the website (private to protect their sources) say the campaign knows about it and is scared. “It has the potential to change the election into a landslide.” This will come out right...

First they came for the countryside, now they're coming for the suburbs From Meg in the Philadelphia "Main Line" suburbs: I thought that you would enjoy this picture of a pickup with bumper stickers. What is very interesting is where it was parked - in a commuter train...

Obama was much more animated, and I'm sure liberals on Twitter and elsewhere were happy much as during the Biden-Ryan debate. But I don't think it helped Obama much. I'll be interested to see the focus groups and polling. Obama got in some one liners, but Romney completely nailed it on Obama's record of broken promises. A 2 minute primer on the failure of the Obama administration. His line "you know better" may be the line of the night. Obama did better on Libya than expected, mostly because Obama backed up by Crowley incorrectly said he called it terrorism the day after. But Romney nailed it on the issue of Obama going to fundraisers the next day. All in all it was not the game changer Obama needed. Obama showed up, but not on the central issue of the election, Obama's record and why we whould expect anything better in four more years. Update: My column at USA Today, Obama needed debate blowout but didn't get it.

Starts at 9 p.m. Eastern. It's hard to imagine that Romney will crush Obama as badly as in the first debate.  It just has to be more even, which will be enough for the MSM's "comeback kid" narrative which already has been written.  Maybe there was...

Note: You may reprint this cartoon provided you link back to this source. To see more Legal Insurrection Branco cartoons, click here. Branco’s Facebook page is Cartoonist A.F.Branco ...

The standing of the media may be what is most at stake in tonight's debate, as moderator CNN's Candy Crowley comes under intense scrutiny after perceived "fails" by Jim Lehrer and Martha Raddatz in the two past debates. Both the Romney and Obama campaigns have jointly...

Each day until Election Day we will feature a previously unpublished photo sent in by a Legal Insurrection reader on National Empty Chair Day, September 3, 2012. The countdown continues with 21 days to go. Today’s Empty Chair photo comes to us from LI reader Larry who plays on the...

The much demonized kulaks (a/k/a the top 5%, 2%, 0r 1% depending upon the speech) were the first to rise up against Obama. Now the kulaks have been joined by the common peasantry, via NPR: As Mitt Romney and President Obama get ready for their second debate, a...

October has been a month full of good news for Mia Love. The Operation Counterweight member running for Congress in Utah's newly created 4th Congressional District has faced an uphill battle since she entered the race. She began her campaign in the Republican primary with little...

President Obama has announced he will travel back to his adopted hometown of Chicago to vote early on October 25. This will be the first time a presidential candidate has not voted in person on Election Day. Michelle Obama voted absentee a few days ago. Michelle...

The guiding principle of the then-new Progressive Movement more than a century ago was: The greatest good for the greatest number of people.  Which was verbatim the rationale invoked by President Teddy Roosevelt when, in 1905, he approved construction of the aqueduct that would steal...