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Scott Eric Kaufman, at the Lawyers, Guns and Money blog, thought counting non-white people at Sarah Palin book signings was a cool way to prove that Palin and her supporters were racist because there were so few non-whites pictured in available photos. In fact, all...

Ithaca, NY, where I work, is in the Finger Lakes region of upstate New York. Ithacans hate global warming because it is so corporate and capitalist. So at what point in time should global warming have stopped? “The ‘Ice age’ was really a series of...

Sarah Palin’s visit to a turkey farm last year made news when the camera caught a shot of the owner slaughtering a turkey. The NY Times Editorial Board was all over the controversy. Turns out the farmer in question has had a tough year, for...

Another post by Matthew Yglesias engaging in gross generalizations and stereotypes of the politically acceptable kind, Stuff White People Like: Disapproving of Barack Obama: The diversity issues that you see at the elite level of most of American life are, in my opinion, particularly egregious...

Obama’s new Afghanistan strategy, to be announced formally next week, centers around the phrase “finish the job.” That is an interesting concept. Seems simlar to “peace with honor,” a very Nixonian phrase signaling that we will claim one thing (the dreaded “V” word) while accepting...

Does playing the race card never grow old? Apparently not when Palin Derangement Syndrome is at work. At Lawyers, Guns and Money blog, Scott Eric Kaufman is counting non-white people at Sarah Palin book signings, with smoking gun photos such as the photo (right) of...

The Kentucky state police announced that the death of Bill Sparkman was an elaborate suicide made to look like a murder so that Sparkman’s son could collect on his insurance policy. Robert Stacy McCain has all the details and updates. I’ll let others delve into...

When the story of the e-mails “hacked” (or leaked) from a British climate institute first exploded, I was very cautious. I’m turning from a “hacked e-mails skeptic” to a “hacked e-mails believer” for two reasons. First, numerous bloggers have done a good job exploring and...

Last January, I warned of a dangerous slide by Turkey into the Islamist orbit, Turkey Looking Like The Next Iran. About a month ago, I further noted Caroline Glick’s excellent article about Turkey’s coziness with Iran and anti-democratic Islamism, Turkey is Lost to Islamists. In...

Mary Landrieu’s deal for an extra $300 million in Medicaid funds for poor Louisiana residents has been hailed by Landrieu as a great victory for the people of Louisiana, and by just about everyone else as a shakedown of Harry Reid and the American people....

The Nation magazine has an extensive article detailing a classified operation in Pakistan by Blackwater, acting expressly under U.S. authority and coordination, to fight al–Qaeda: At a covert forward operating base run by the US Joint Special Operations Command (JSOC) in the Pakistani port city...

In my post the other day, Berkeley Students Should Be Protesting Obamacare, I made the point that the Berkeley student protesters were too stupid to realize that their future was being sold out from under them under the Obama-Pelosi-Reid health care restructuring plans because younger...

It gets curiouser and curiouser. Yesterday, Mary Landrieu closed the deal for a payoff to Louisiana in exchange for her vote to let Harry Reid’s health care restructuring bill go to Senate floor debate. The deal had been negotiated over weeks, with initial reports putting...

The other day, when the news of “hacked” e-mails from a British climate institute hit the internet, I wrote Why The “Hacked E-Mails” Don’t Interest Me, Yet. In the post, I noted that I did not have the time to devote to the hacked e-mails...

Mary Landrieu should make Edwin Edwards proud. After being criticized for taking $100 million in earmarked aid for Louisiana as part of Harry Reid’s health care bill, Landrieu shot back: “I will correct something. It’s not $100 million, it’s $300 million, and I’m proud of...

This is the latest in a series on the use of the race card for political gain: I almost had forgotten about Jesse Jackson. But he’s still out there, and still the master race card player: “We even have blacks voting against the healthcare bill,”...

I’ve spent some time going through Harry Reid’s 2,074 page health care restructuring bill. If you read the dozens of prior posts regarding prior versions, you pretty much know the story. There are many good analyses of the tax and other aspects, so read up....