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Harry Reid has a big announcement: Debate will start on Monday on the health care bill! (Assuming Reid gets enough votes to start debate). Which health care bill? We do not know. Reid has not released the bill. He’s keeping it in his rather-large back...

Is it possible to pay more than 100% of your last dollar of income in taxes? And if it were, would you bother to earn that last dollar? Herein lies the key to how Democrats will obtain a permanent, economically-enslaved majority if universal income-based health...

Barbara Boxer (D-Ca) is proclaiming she has enough votes in the Senate to block the equivalent of the Stupak Amendment from being attached to any Senate health care bill. Ok, then what? The only reason the House was able to pass a health care bill...

Hot on the heals of the Bush-Balloon Boy connection, and the Iraq-Stupak connection, now we have the inevitable Bush-Cheney-Hasan connection. Writing about the mass murder by al-Qaeda-infatuated Nidal Hasan at Fort Hood, a blogger at Firedoglake invokes the evil spirit of Bush/Cheney, Will There Be...

A group of prominent gay-rights bloggers, activists, and fundraisers, led by AMERICAblogGAY, is launching a boycott on contributions to the Democratic National Committee and Obama’s campaign apparatus: We are asking voters to pledge to withhold contributions to the Democratic National Committee, Organizing for America, and...

You just knew this had to rear its head on the 20th anniversary of the Berlin Wall. The anti-Israel left is demanding Mr. Netanyahu, Tear Down This Wall: On the 20th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall, Western leaders are full of self-congratulation....

I so love to say I told you so. On Sunday, after recovering from the intial reaction to the House vote, I cautioned that the Stupak Amendment created an impossible situation for Democrats. While Democrats were still drunk with jubilation over the Great Saturday Night...

I knew it, I knew it, I knew it. Sure as I was certain that Bush would be blamed for the Balloon Boy hoax, so too I’ve been waiting for someone to make the connection between the Iraq war resolution and the health care vote....

What a great day, the 20th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall. That symbol of tyranny and oppression fell after decades of U.S. and West European refusal to give in to what at the time was proclaimed by the left to be the...

It is not a good thing to jump to conclusions when there is a shooting, at least on the issue of whether the shooting was a mere crime or terrorism. On Thursday, I cautioned against jumping to the conclusion that Nidal Hasan was motivated by...

I’m not sure the fallout from the Stupak Amendment passing has been fully felt. Reproductive rights is the heart and soul of the Democratic Party. Democratic activists take as a given that Democratic politicians will protect a women’s right and ability to choose. Last night...

Bruni de la Motte explains in The Guardian why East Germans were better off before the Berlin Wall fell: On 9 November 1989 when the Berlin Wall came down I realised German unification would soon follow, which it did a year later. This meant the...

Joe Lieberman threw a healthy dose of water on the Pelosi-Reid-Obama health care fire this morning, reiterating that he will join in a Republican filibuster of any Senate health care bill which contains a public option. This is at least the second time in recent...

The NY Times is naming names of House Democrats Who Voted Against the Health Care Bill. It’s all public record, so it’s not “outing.” But it is interesting that The Times feels the need to go into such detail to highlight the Democratic heretics. The...

First impressions and reactions can be dangerous, but here goes: Passing the monstrous health care bill by just 5 votes in the House is a pyrrhic victory. Yes, it is a victory tonight for Nancy Pelosi and Barack Obama, but at an enormous political price....

As Obama heads to Capitol Hill today to round-up some reluctant Blue Dog Democratic votes to ruin our health care system, raise taxes, and get the IRS involved in our lives even further, I was wondering if Obama could answer this unimportant question: How’s that...

It is not good for any President when bloody World War II analogies are all that supportive columnists and bloggers can muster in defense of your inability to get things done: Paul Krugman: Obama as Anzio. “Allied forces landed far behind enemy lines, catching their...