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Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion


If you were up at 5:44 a.m. Eastern this morning (I wasn't) you would have been there at the very moment when David Gerstman's first post at Legal Insurrection went live, I said, “Hi.” She said, “Yeah, I guess I am.” You may have known David...


The "Hi" in the title should clue you in, this is my welcome post. I'm David, the newest blogger at Legal Insurrection. For those who don't know me, I used to blog as Soccer Dad. After I retired from blogging at the end of 2010, Prof Jacobson...

This infographic was forwarded to me by a reader. I thought it was pretty good. It picks up on a theme I have written about before, Finding common ground in limited government — I am the NRA and EFF. Source: Government Bullies: 5 Ways Americans are Bullied by...

Never let it be said that Tea Party people were not game for a challenge. The American Thinker contributor Tara Servatius reported on a poll that shows Hispanic Americans are fans of Big Government: What drives Hispanic voters is simple, and it was captured with shocking clarity...

As noted earlier, Jesse Jackson Jr. pleaded guilty this morning to criminal conspiracy for misusing campaign funds for personal purposes. We just received the official Plea Agreement and Statement of Offense. Here are the signature pages, the full documents are at the links above. ...

Jesse Jackson Jr. pleaded guilty this morning in federal court to a criminal conspiracy charge. The details are just coming out of what happened in court, via NBC News: Former Illinois Congressman Jesse Jackson Jr. on Wednesday pleaded guilty in federal court to misusing hundreds of thousands...

It has been a long time since the name Angelo Carusone has graced these pages. Carusone is the go-to guy at Media Matters for organizing boycotts and secondary boycotts against people with whom Media Matters disagrees, with Rush Limbaugh as the prime example. Carusone's efforts were documented...

Guy Cecil is the Democratic strategist who was the hero of the 2012 Senate strategy which resulted in Democrats not only holding the Senate, but picking up two seats.  He will return in 2014. Cecil, it's worth noting, points out what people like Kathleen Parker refuse to...

California made a move yesterday that makes about as much sense as throwing away your telescope to get back at that meteor for hitting Russia. And yet, in California, it’s strictly business as usual (via LA Times): The nation's biggest public pension fund is taking a stand against...

We just received this notice from the U.S. Attorney's Office: From: Miller, William (USADC) Sent: Tuesday, February 19, 2013 6:07 PM Subject: Court hearings in U.S. v. Jesse L. Jackson, Jr. and U.S. v. Sandra Stevens Jackson We have just received notice from the Court of the...

I'm glad that my post, Upworthy — or, How we are losing the internet to lowest of low information young liberals, has garnered a fair amount of attention. Mandy Nagy at, has an interesting history, in response, that we all should consider, Why LOLcats Matter in Politics: In...

Via Memeorandum, news that man makes stupid comment about rape and right of self-defense: How do I know that this will not be the Democrats' Todd Akin? Because he's a Democrat, he's at the state level, and this is not an election year. But mostly because he's a...

Two of the biggies at Politico have a lead article today, Obama, the puppet master (emphasis mine): President Barack Obama is a master at limiting, shaping and manipulating  media coverage of himself and his White House. Not for the reason that conservatives suspect: namely, that a liberal press ...

From Linda, a "low" information voter: Carothers parkway, Franklin TN Don't know if this photo will be clear enough or if you can use it. Driver appears to be a female who votes with her lady parts. ...