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Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion


The "unilateral" "across-the-board" sequester cuts seemingly absolve government of any responsibility. Actually, the opposite is true.  While some decreases in the growth of government are mandated, and government has less flexibility than usual particularly as to the defense budget, government still controls the pain meter. The key...


Mainstream reporters have  spent so many years square pegging round holes—crediting Bill Clinton alone for the boom of the late 90s, blaming Bush alone for the crash of the late 00s, praising Obama’s intelligence, etc.—that they may not even recognize their own nonsense. Take Jim Puzzanghera in...

You know the greatest threat to American education as Media Matters wants it? John Stossel. Libertarian. EVIL KOCH BROS MONEY! RT @mmfa: Who's putting Fox host @johnstossel in our kids' classrooms?— Sissy Willis (@SissyWillis) February 25, 2013 Possibly the greatest threat to the children ever, The Right-Wing...

Intifada: then and now In response to a recent news program in Israel, Col. Jonathan D. Halevi wrote The Palestinian Authority’s Responsibility for the Outbreak of the Second Intifada: Its Own Damning Testimony for the Jerusalem Center of Public Affairs. Even now, as Halevi writes: More than...

As Obama signed 23 executive orders to "control gun violence" that impact citizen rights under the Second Amendment, supporters of gun ownership held hundreds of rallies across the country this Saturday (Feb. 23) to protest these rules. The theme for many was "Day of Resistance"; however,...

What happens when the legendary investigative reporter at The Washington Post investigates Obama and reaches findings that do not fit the pro-Obama media narrative? Yesterday Prof. Jacobson tweeted: Woodward basically calls Obama a liar who moved goal posts…— Legal Insurrection (@LegInsurrection) February 23, 2013 (more, including some...

Mediaite has great videos, but there's little reason to read it other than Noah Rothman, who once again makes a good point that time is running out on Obama to do maximum damage achieve his policy goals Most Pundits Miss The GOP’s Biggest Advantage: Time...

Dewey from Detroit went silent after Election Day 2012. It was a sign of the approaching winter of our discontent, as many conservative blogs either went silent or went on life support with just enough posts to keep them breathing. It hasn't been easy keeping on keeping on,...

The mainstream media, egged on by Democrats, is trying to pin the "McCarthy" label on Ted Cruz. It doesn't matter whether there is a basis, all that matters is that there's a name connection made. It's a meme started by the usual cabal of Democratic politicians and supportive...

There is a discussion in the Talmud about which is the dominant facet to the Megila (The Book of Esther.) Is it the story from the beginning, the story of Achashveirosh, the Persian king at the center of the drama; the story of Mordechai (beginning...

Another reader submitted infographic, called Psychology of an Internet Troll. It's too large to post in its entirety, but here are a couple of screen shots which explain a lot: They say not to feed the trolls.  But we knew that. ...

And who's Ted? Even bucolic, very liberal, Cooperstown, NY isn't safe from the nefarious anti-Obama bumper sticker. I particularly like poor old George Washington. Can you see him? WTF, indeed. You follow me on twitter, @InpatientMed , an increasingly inpatient physician. Thanks for bringing a little sanity to my...

The video below correctly was termed "cringe-worthy" by Noah Rothman at Mediaite. The cringe-worthy part starts around the 2:30 mark when Melissa Harris-Perry asks the panel for their best race jokes.  (An edited down version is at Newsbusters if you don't want to sit through it all.) Stop...

For all the trees that have been killed and pixels burned by the mainstream media  complaining about the Koch brothers and the vast right-wing conspiracy, the bad news is that the vast left-wing conspiracy is much more effective. Diarest LaborUnionReport at RedState reports on the vast...