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Elizabeth Warren raised more money this cycle than any other congressional candidate (and is Top 5 all time), but is out of cash, in debt, and begging for more money, via The Boston Globe: Elizabeth Warren – who knows a thing or two about debt and bankruptcy –...

Did you hear the one about Elizabeth Warren on the banking committee? It is the big scoop today at HuffPo: Nearly two years after Wall Street waged a successful campaign to keep consumer advocate Elizabeth Warren from running the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, the incoming...

There is a lot of talk about Elizabeth Warren being put on the Senate Banking Committee, a natural if not controversial fit for her. But so far there’s very little talk about an additional possibility, that Warren may have a role in the hearings on confirmation of...

Hollywood and progressive groups have been funding Elizabeth Warren since day one. This video released yesterday is a virtual freak show of Hollywood progressives supporting Warren, including the foul Sarah Silverman. For good measure, they throw in a few Democratic politicians, including Sheldon “Opposition to...

I don’t know what’s going to happen Tuesday.  The polls, with just a couple of exceptions, say Elizabeth Warren is ahead.  I still believe in miracles. How can that be, many of us wonder, given her ethnic impersonation and other questionable aspects of her political persona. ...

I was just on Nightside with Dan Rea on WBZ 1030 in Boston, a Super Station which covers all of Massachusetts and then some, talking about my latest research on Elizabeth Warren (check back in the morning for more on that). I was pleased to announce the...

One of the great successes of Elizabeth Warren’s campaign has been to destroy the concept of truth and falsity when it comes to ancestry.  What you believe, or what you were told, becomes the operative standard. The effect has been to excuse Warren’s ethnic fraud in the minds...

You remember Aunt Bea.  The Aunt on Elizabeth Warren’s mother’s side who supposedly a thousand times told Warren that Warren’s maternal ancestors had “high cheekbones like all the Indian’s do.” Those ancestors, of course, were not Cherokee or Native American, and even Warren identified Aunt Bea as...