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It’s always interesting to see how an issue you are intimately involved in plays out when it makes it to national broadcasts. Because of the time pressure on major shows, everything has to get drilled down, and sometimes things get lost. The issue of Elizabeth...

In response to my post yesterday, Elizabeth Warren’s law license problem, Michael Fredrickson, General Counsel of the Massachusetts Board of Bar Overseers, gave an interview with Massachusetts Lawyers Weekly (MLW) which widely is being cited as exonerating Warren. League of Ordinary Gentlemen and Above The...

I was on two radio shows yesterday, the Michael Graham Show and Howie Carr Show in Boston, talking about Elizabeth Warren. I addressed some of the misconceptions and misunderstandings, as well as some of the incorrect defenses being raised (more on that later). Here are...

Via The Boston Globe, Scott Brown has launched his first ad regarding Elizabeth Warren’s claim to be Native American: The 30-second spot, called “Who knows?” features television reporters talking about Warren “identifying herself as Native American to employers. …Something genealogists said they have zero evidence...

I just want to know how to plan out the next few weeks. Via Boston Globe: Democratic Senate candidate Elizabeth Warren — amid growing unrest from party activists and leaders — is facing pressure to make a major shift in her television advertising with a...

If you have been following this blog, you know that we have gone where others have not gone in helping to tell the story about Elizabeth Warren’s false claim to be Cherokee, how she used it in her career, and how she gave at best...

Well, 39 minutes and 49 seconds to be precise, once you take out the news breaks and commercials. I was a guest Tuesday night on Nightside with Dan Rea on WBZ 1030, the Boston superstation that covers all of New England: A group of concerned...

That’s the title of a new video released by the Massachusetts Republican Party. Whereas our video (about 10,000 views as of this writing) focused on Warren’s deception during the campaign, this video focuses on the people she has hurt the most. The ending quote from a...

Wednesday night Elizabeth Warren will introduce Bill Clinton, the keynote speaker at the Democratic National Convention. Warren has claimed internet fame for her famous “no one got rich on his own” speech which was the foundation for Obama’s “you didn’t build that” speech.  Warren holds...