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There’s been much speculation over whether or not Elizabeth Warren will run for president. Some folks have also suggested that Joe Biden may run for president. Here’s a new question: What if they ran together? CNN’s Peter Hamby reports… Biden delivers ‘Elizabeth Warren-type speech’ at...

Warren's false personal narrative almost ruined her political career, while Davis' false personal narrative is her political career.

As you read the rest of this post, please keep in mind that Elizabeth Warren never has authorized release of her hiring files at Harvard Law School or other employers to see whether her phony Native American and Cherokee status was known at the time...

I thought she would consider it. I hoped she would run. We needed it as a country, though not for the reasons her supporters think. Via Boston Herald: U.S. Sen. Elizabeth Warren pledged today she will not run for president in 2016 and will finish...

Time Magazine recently ran a cover with a silhouette of Chris Christie with the headline, The Elephant in the Room. It was, of course, a play on Christie’s weight without coming right out and saying it. There’s also an elephant in Elizabeth Warren’s room, but you...