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Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion


Senator Ted Cruz is currently "filibustering" on the Senate floor to #MakeDCListen on defunding Obamacare.  According to various pundits and outlets, this is not technically a filibuster of course, but Professor Jacobson explains that a vote for cloture is a vote for Harry Reid. Live Twitter feed at bottom of post. Update: It's over. By Senate rule, the new Senate "day" started at noon, and Cruz lost the floor. He spoke for almost 22 hours. [caption id="attachment_65901" align="alignnone" width="503"](Ted Cruz concluding filibuster by Senate Rule at Noon, September 25, 2013) (Ted Cruz concluding filibuster by Senate Rule at Noon, September 25, 2013)[/caption]


There have been many accusations flying about the Senate procedural gymnastics over the Obamacare defunding House bill.  It has been, frankly, confusing because of Senate rules.  As I understand it (and please correct me if I am wrong), Harry Reid does not want an up or...

I have always held out hope that the Egyptians would recall their proud, pharaonic roots and quell the growing Islamo-extremism within their country. Today, I caught the first positive news I have read about the region in a long time: An Egyptian court has banned the...

The Nairobi mall attack has conjured up memories of the first terrorist attack I ever remember, the Lod airport massacre. You may never have heard of it---or of Lod airport, for that matter, which is the main airport in Tel Aviv and was later renamed Ben...

From MrE: I post as MrE on your blog. My wife and I took a retirement celebration trip to Holden Beach, North Carolina, where I spotted this license plate at the Provision Company Restaurant ( Forty years ago, I'd have passed this along for the brownie points. Now,...

Ted Cruz was on the floor of the Senate today making the case about defunding Obamacare and keeping the government open. While he may not be successful, as even Mitch McConnell abandoned the cause and the sniping from Republicans continues -- even as to his eligibility...

Tonight on Special Report with Bret Baier both Tucker Carlson and Charles Krauthammer were excoriating Cruz over the issue of Obamacare defunding.  That's fine. If you think he's wrong or foolish or whatever, make the case. But as part of their arguments each brought up that Cruz...

Lois Lerner, the IRS official at the center of the scandal involving targeting of conservative organizations and tea party groups, has retired, according to the Associated Press. Lerner first disclosed the improper targeting earlier this year at an American Bar Association conference when she responded to...

Note: You may reprint this cartoon provided you link back to this source.  To see more Legal Insurrection Branco cartoons, click here. Branco’s page is Cartoonist A.F.Branco...

The attack is over, but the current situation is unclear as to whether there still are hostages. Live Twitter feed at bottom of post. CNN reports:
Night fell Monday in Nairobi with no clear resolution of the standoff between Kenyan forces and terrorists at Westgate Shopping Mall. Kenyan authorities sounded increasingly confident that they had brought the three-day standoff to a close with a final assault Monday, reassuring a nervous public that there was little chance of escape for any surviving Al-Shabaab gunmen who had terrorized the mall, killing at least 62 people. "Taken control of all the floors. We're not here to feed the attackers with pastries but to finish and punish them," Kenyan police Inspector General David Kimaiyo said on Twitter. But it wasn't clear Monday evening whether any hostages remained inside the four-story mall, and authorities had yet to sound the all-clear about six hours after the assault by Kenyan forces.

In recent weeks, the New York Times has been playing up the moderation of Iran's new government, especially that of its new president Hassan Rouhani. Yesterday's editorial, President Rouhani Comes to Town ahead of Rouhani's speech before the U.N. later this week, is one more element of that campaign.
All eyes at this week’s United Nations General Assembly will be on Iran’s new president, Hassan Rouhani. Since taking office in August, he has sent encouraging signals about his willingness to engage more constructively with the West than his predecessor, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, who insisted on proceeding with Iran’s nuclear program, denied the Holocaust and seemed unconcerned as his country slipped into deeper economic distress. Mr. Rouhani’s assembly address on Tuesday gives him a chance to provide concrete evidence that his talk of change is real. Perhaps the most important article to appear last week in the media was Iranians Dial Up Presence in Syria in the Wall Street Journal (Google search terms)
The busloads of Shiite militiamen from Iraq, Syria and other Arab states have been arriving at the Iranian base in recent weeks, under cover of darkness, for instruction in urban warfare and the teachings of Iran's clerics, according to Iranian military figures and residents in the area. The fighters' mission: Fortify the Syrian regime of President Bashar al-Assad against Sunni rebels, the U.S. and Israel. ... The fighters "are told that the war in Syria is akin to [an] epic battle for Shiite Islam, and if they die they will be martyrs of the highest rank," says an Iranian military officer briefed on the training camp, which is 15 miles outside Tehran and called Amir Al-Momenin, or Commander of the Faithful. The training of thousands of fighters is an outgrowth of Iran's decision last year to immerse itself in the Syrian civil war on behalf of its struggling ally, the Assad regime, in an effort to shift the balance of power in the Middle East. Syria's bloodshed is shaping into more than a civil war: It is now a proxy war among regional powers jockeying for influence in the wake of the Arab Spring revolutions.

Friday nights and weekends tend to be more active here than one would expect.  But by the time a lot of readers return on Monday, things have moved down or off the home page. Here are some things you might have missed. Video contradicts French diplomat claim...

Neighbors say that the upstate NY second home of ex-NFL player Brian Holloway, who claims that the home was trashed by partying teens over Labor Day weekend, had already been in disrepair. The house is also said to be in foreclosure, according to TMZ. TMZ has learned...