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Not really into that Coxexist stuff on campus: Kangaroo courts for men on campus U. Buffalo Prof in profanity-laced tirade against pro-life students Pro-Life Display Vandalized at Slippery Rock University Chapel at Georgetown Vandalized USC student on the prof who called Republicans ‘stupid’ and ‘racist’...

Cause: While you were sleeping, radical 1960s leftists took over the education system Video: Bill O’Reilly and Charles Krauthammer Analyze the Liberal Takeover of Higher Ed Professor attacks Pope for blessing disabled man, claims Christian bias against disabled USC Student Exposes Professor Who Routinely Calls...

Fake: McDonald’s “College Grad Job Ad” listing “fake but accurate” Unfortunately, everything else is real. Really sad: U. Chicago Demolishes Reagan’s Childhood Home Really a glimpse of things to come: Gay Students Seek Campus Chaplain’s Removal from George Washington U. Video: Woman Destroys Pro-Life Display...

The joint is stompin’, it’s really stompin’: Bill O’Reilly Covers Florida Jesus Stomp Controversy University Files Charges Against Student who Refused to Stomp on Jesus Florida Atlantic University apologizes for Jesus Stomping 101 Video – Florida Atlantic Issues Official Apology Over Jesus Stomp Dissent is...

We have videos: “Great Vagina Man” shouts down pro-life speaker at U. Waterloo (Video) Student suspended for complaining about “Stomp on Jesus” Prof (Video) Video – A Brief History of Censorship on Campus (Video) Prager U.: The President Who Shrank Government (Video) Oregon law professor loses job after attack...

It was not complete and total insanity at Brown this week: Brown Student: “many young liberal voters will soon find themselves under attack as they launch themselves into their careers” Brown Spectator – Reject Anti-Israel Divestment Trend Brown Spectator author translates Obama Speak which is not...

One man took a stand, and libertarianism broke out: Young Libertarians Defend Rand Paul From Establishment GOP Cal State Student: Give Me Liberty Or Death By Drones Knox College Student — Rand Paul is a Constitutional Realist Are Millennials going to become the great Libertarian...

Brats spoiled by brats: Whiny Harvard Crimson crybabies tell conservatives not to enroll if they plan on bashing Harvard as too liberal Students in Montreal Clash With Riot Police Over $70 Annual Increase in Tuition Whitewashing the influence of left-wing faculty Domestic Terrorist Bill Ayers...

What would Mahatma say about college campuses today? From my cold, dead hands: Cornell Student: Gandhi Championed Right to Bear Arms Stanford Student: Colleges Should Allow Concealed Carry U. Iowa Discloses Private Info of Students Who Apply for Gun Permits U. Colorado Removes Crazy List...

No, it’s not what you think: College Insurrection Calls For Student Submissions! We will never submit, never, we will fight them in the Quad, in the library, on the slope: Cornell Conservative Students Push Back Against “Social Justice” Course Requirement You Should Make a Free...

Today marked the 1000th post at College Insurrection, CA schools give up teaching algebra in 8th grade. Thanks to Aleister of American Glob and Leslie Eastman of Temple of Mut (and Legal Insurrection) for their help in creating and aggregating content daily. Thanks also to...

Gender Bender Brown University Will Cover Sex Change Operations for Students NC Gov speaks truth to Gender Studies power Swarthmore’s new “Masturbatory Theater” club Big college concern — how to fix the ‘Orgasm Gap’ The Fun, New Campus Activity: Racy Facebook Confessions Just twisted: Dartmouth...

Fine example you’re setting College President Personally Smacked with $50,000 Bill for Violating Constitution Bucknell misreported test scores to US News for 6 years Loyola University Prof. Forces Students to Attend Lecture by Van Jones U. of Michigan removes Christian campus group for not allowing...

I am delighted to let Legal Insurrection readers know that my College Insurrection compatriot, Aleister of American Glob, will be on’s Canto Talk program tonight (Thursday, Jan. 31st) at 7 pm Pacific/9 pm Central/10 pm Eastern Standard Time (click here for link). It is...

Did you know you could get an education at College Insurrection? Of course, it would be as useless as the education you get on most campuses, but at least it’s free. Gender Studies is more than about sex: Men Not Allowed in Women’s Lounge at Michigan...