What would Mahatma say about college campuses today?
From my cold, dead hands:
- Cornell Student: Gandhi Championed Right to Bear Arms
- Stanford Student: Colleges Should Allow Concealed Carry
- U. Iowa Discloses Private Info of Students Who Apply for Gun Permits
- U. Colorado Removes Crazy List of Tips for Women Facing an Attacker
Stand up for what you believe in:
- Columbia freshman pushes back against demonization of pro-traditional marriage viewpoint on campus
- Millenials rejecting race-based admissions preferences
- Petition Demands Political Balance at Texas A&M University
- Canadian Student — S. E. Cupp doesn’t know what she’s talking about
- Boston University Students Hold Silent Pro-Life Protest
Um, what?
- Wiccan Holidays Recognized at University of Missouri
- Duke to train feminist bloggers
- Money Donated to Fund Jewish Studies at Berkeley Used to Hire Anti-Israel Radical
- Latest left-wing campus agenda — “Tuition Equity”
- Boston University Launches New ‘Condom Fairy’ Program
- Allegheny College Church of Sex and Masturbation
- Wesleyan U.’s naked take on “Night at the Museum”

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Gandhi supported gun ownership? Don’t forget that the Dali Lama also supports shooting someone in self defense.
I think that the Gandhi supported gun control should be a T-shirt distributed on campus – they need those memes.
also – was Che in favor of government controlling all guns? I would hardly say so, and of course if you’re a liberal college student, Che was right about everything, because he looked cool and rode a motorcycle.
Use their heroes to question their faith.
I was thinking re: the “War on Women” theme – it would seem that guns make women equal; taking guns away mean they’re less equal, if not defenseless. Anybody explore that meme?
Gandhi, KKK not much difference. He was not an advocate of anything good for blacks.
Gandhi may be an icon, but I have serious reservations about accepting the wisdom of a man who thought drinking his own urine was a good idea.
The Mahatma would say – “Spell my name correctly!”
It is G A N D H I
And you spell it right when you pronounce it right – A as in AAAH
It was a play on the “gun” links at the top.
Mahatma has his moments but it is Indira Ganhi that put India on the map.
Plus she was right about Pakistan & Muslims. Unfortunately not about Sikhs.
Such is life.
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