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First they came for the “Israel Lobby,” but I didn’t speak out, because I didn’t want to be called an ISLAMOPHOBE! George Mason U. Student: “Jews had their golden age under Muslim rule” Then they came for Florida Atlantic University, but I didn’t speak out, because it...

Leslie Eastman, who writes for Legal Insurrection and has her own blog, Temple of Mut, and Aleister from American Glob, both help run College Insurrection, including gathering the stories we aggregate there. In preparing this week’s College Insurrection “Week” post, I realized once again the great job...

That would be me. T-shirt idea:  “We engaged in institutional racism to fight white privilege, and all we got was more white privilege”: Elite colleges fail to enroll minority students T-shirt idea: “We threw money at the U.S. News rankings, and all we got were...

Paying for college isn’t getting any easier these days. Families forced to endure rising cost of college tuition Cash strapped parents are giving kids less money for college Bad economy keeps college kids from leaving the nest And it seems some things are compounding the...

Sex and school…it’s complicated. Slate columnist fisks NYT’s “Hook-Up Culture” article Family Research Council addresses the “Pornification” of college campuses Students petition school for failure to punish pervy instructor And then…there are sometimes lies, bad behavior and the downright bizarre. Wyoming Schools Superintendent is America’s...

Oh, where have you been, my blue-eyed son? Georgetown student advocates death for Republicans over student loan rates And where have you been my darling young one? Florida transgender student barred from women’s room after anonymous complaint UNC-Chapel Hill Students Jump To Defend Mixed-Sex Dorm...

The Great Unpaid: The Joke’s on NBC: SNL interns join class action suit seeking unpaid wages American U. Student: Unpaid internships exacerbate inequality U. of Arizona Student: Paid internships should be the rule, not the exception (from the Legal Insurrection archives) Elizabeth Warren pays interns...

SCOTUS decisions had some college folks talking this week. DOMA ruling praised by some professors at Catholic universities Not all of it so nice. Students ridicule DOMA supporters as ‘hideous’ and ‘disgusting’ outside Supreme Court George Washington U. student blasts Clarence Thomas as ‘Uncle Tom’...

The Haves: NYU loans millions to top faculty for vacation homes NYU vacation home scandal just latest example of college compensation extravaganzas Law school uses ‘used car salesman’ tactics to pressure prospective students The Have Nots: Duke student lived in a van to escape student...

Shut yo mouth: Texas high school cuts valedictorian’s mic for talking about the US Constitution Australian University Censors Speech Deemed Offensive to Islam Pro-Palestinian groups on campus aren’t big fans of free speech And dress the way we tell you: New Hampshire senior not allowed...

Everything is harassment: The federal government has overreached on campus sexual harassment rules Literature Prof lampoons new federal government sexual harassment policy Such as: Cambridge Univ. law students stunned by graphic sexual questions on exam Co-eds filmed naked in shower in co-ed dorm at Middle...

It’s grim out there: A third of Millennials regret going to college New Poll Sheds Light on Grim Reality for College Graduates New report says overdue student loans have hit all time high Just bare it: UC Boulder student has naked freak out after eating...

Pushing back against the narratives: CAMERA launches new website for pro-Israel college students “Affirmative Action Baby” … Or Survivor? Prager U. Video – The Separation of Church and State FIRE works overtime for targeted Syracuse U. students College Fix Editor: Porn is a weapon in the...

This week college campuses looked relatively sane compared to Washington, D.C. I emphasize “relatively.” Occupy brings “two chickens, three goats and a rabbit” as part of takeover of U. California farm Swarthmore’s descent into madness Louisiana State Hosts “Lavender Graduation” For Homosexual Grads Six Degrees...

Lords of the Flies: Johns Hopkins pro-choice group tries to silence pro-life students using “harassment” policy Northwestern Latino student group says eating tacos to celebrate Cinco de Mayo is racist Berkeley student govt calls for divestment from “United States Prison Industrial Complex” including, um, McDonalds...

The first College Insurrection listicle: College Insurrection’s Top 10 College Movies Hoax: Brown Spectator author rips apart inflated campus rape stats Wyoming liberal coed uses Facebook to set-up rape hoax Why are campus hate crime hoaxes so common? Remember that “everyone should go to college”...

New Common Core course requirements: The Pornification of Campuses Video – Inside a college porn class Middle school girls forced to act out lesbian kiss scene Eternal Vigilance against dissent! U.Conn student says school’s logo promotes rape SUNY-Geneseo students misunderstand point of ‘sexual assault’ lecture, erupt...