- While you were sleeping, radical 1960s leftists took over the education system
- Video: Bill O’Reilly and Charles Krauthammer Analyze the Liberal Takeover of Higher Ed
- Professor attacks Pope for blessing disabled man, claims Christian bias against disabled
- USC Student Exposes Professor Who Routinely Calls Republicans Stupid and Racist
- Wisconsin school uses crossword puzzles to indoctrinate students against conservatives
- CT School Teaching Students Americans Don’t Have the Right to Bear Arms
- Rand Paul Heckled by Howard University Student Protesters
- Leftists Plan to Disrupt Dedication of George W. Bush Library at SMU
- Liberals at UMass Plan to Disrupt Upcoming Karl Rove Speech
- Swarthmore Commencement Speaker Forced Out Over Ties to Bush Administration
- Queen’s U. Shuts Down Free Speech Wall Claiming “Offensive Content”
- Jesuit Gonzaga U. Refuses to Recognize Campus Group for Being Too Catholic
Now we juxtapose:
Now we juxtapose again:
Pass the bubble-y:
- The Law School Job Crisis is Worse Than You Think
- Law Student Selling His Naming Rights on eBay to Pay Student Loans
- Study Shows more than 50% of Law School Grads Are Failing to Make a Living
And the food:
Not going to take it anymore:

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