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Sharron Angle has come under withering fire from Harry Reid’s campaign and its operatives for highlighting the need to move away from the entitlement state in favor of policies which foster personal choices and responsibility. Yet a budget report just released by the Congressional Budget...

Thanks to Solomonia for posting this 1956 cartoon about Israel’s aggression. (Added) The cartoon shows Egyptian Gamal Abdel Nasser repeatedly taunting Israel’s David Ben-Gurion, and in the last segment Ben Gurion finally hits back. The cartoon appears to be an allusion to the 1956 Suez...

Public sector unions just won a huge victory in Rhode Island, with the signing into law of legislation denying municipalities the ability to file for state receivership as a means of renegotiating unsustainable union contracts. I previously highlighted the state receivership filing by the City...

Many bloggers and news outlets are using a graphic printed in The Economist to show that Israel prevents basic foodstuffs from entering Gaza, including Coriander and Chocolate. Since the chart is in The Economist, most people accept it at face value, and mock any suggestion...

The MV Rachel Corrie is a cargo ship named after an American anti-Israeli activist (photo right burning a mock U.S. flag) killed while trying to prevent Israeli bulldozers from operating in Gaza in 2003. The Free Gaza movement operating the ship has announced that it...

The rise of Islamist Turkey, and its deliberate and calculated instigation of a crisis in the Middle East, is reminiscent of the time period prior to the fall of the Shah of Iran. The Turkish Islamists know exactly what they are doing by precipitating a...

An Iranian port in Gaza is the goal of those who want uninspected sea shipping to Gaza. The “Freedom Flotilla” is a lie and a fraud. The Islamist government of Turkey, which has an ongoing rapprochement in progress with Iran, instigated the crisis, and a...

Glenn Greenwald is venomous in his attacks on Israel. Greenwald calls supporters of Israel, including Rep. Anthony Weiner, “Israel-firsters,” an obscene charge of disloyalty. Anyone who disagrees with Greenwald on whether the flotilla actually had a humanitarian intent, or whether Israel had a right under...

The left-wing blogosphere is full of useful idiots, who pretend that the flotilla which just was stopped by Israel was a humanitarian mission. The flotilla was organized by the Islamist government in Turkey to aid Hamas with the goal of opening up shipping channels for...

Of course, that depends upon what the meaning of “crazy” is. News has leaked out through an article in Esquire Magazine that Eric Massa, the disgraced Democratic rock star (was he the tickler, or the tickle-ee?), claims that Dick Cheney conspired with Gen. David Petraeus...

Why does Obama want us to be more like Europe, with its supposedly compassionate and fair welfare state? The welfare state is not compassionate; it is the height of selfishness and generational cruelty: Across Western Europe, the “lifestyle superpower,” the assumptions and gains of a...

Central Falls, a Rhode Island city which gained fame when it fired its entire High School teaching staff after unions refused concessions (the unions later agreed), now has filed for receivership, the state equivalent of bankruptcy: A Rhode Island city facing a severe financial crisis...

The Obama administration considers all territory Israel captured during the 1967 war to be occupied territory, including sections of Jerusalem. Israel’s plan to construct new houses in a Jewish section of Jerusalem outside the pre-1967 border was the excuse the Obama administration used for the...

Or are we just careening from crisis to mishap to near catastrophe, like a spinning top as it loses speed? Just wondering. Have a nice weekend. ——————————————–Follow me on Twitter and Facebook

Intergenerational warfare is breaking out in Greece as youth blame their elders for the economic mess, resulting from decades of welfare-state policies, that has left Greece bankrupt. I wonder whether the questions being asked by the youth of Greece are the same questions our children...

The Justice Department has commenced a criminal investigation of Goldman Sachs: Federal prosecutors have opened an investigation into trading at Goldman Sachs, raising the possibility of criminal charges against the Wall Street giant, according to people familiar with the matter. While the investigation is still...

Nothing in the civil suit filed by the Securities and Exchange Commission alleges that Goldman Sachs caused the housing bubble or burst it. The transaction at issue in that case was between highly sophisticated investment firms, and had no more to do with the housing...