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Move along, nothing to see from the government’s failure as to cancer treatment clinical trials. The clinical treatment system run by the National Cancer Institute has become so burdened with bureaucracy and paperwork that even the Editors of The New York Times are complaining (emphasis...

The civil charges being brought against Goldman Sachs on the eve of the push for financial reform have been politicized from day one by the Obama administration and Democrats. Civil charges can put pressure on a firm and industry, and in themselves can be destructive....

With the Obama administration pushing for financial reforms, and the SEC having gone after Goldman Sachs for allegedly favoring a hedge fund client, the spotlight is on New York Senator Charles Schumer. Schumer has been a champion of Wall Street financial firms for years, particularly...

It would be easy to cheer as the Obama administration seeks to take down Goldman Sachs. After all, Goldman Sachs has become a proxy for Wall Street, since so many of the old icons no longer exist or have been consumed as a result of...

The NY Times reports on a classified memo sent by Secretary of Defense Robert Gates to President Obama admitting that current U.S. strategies on Iran will not succeed in stopping Iran from building a nuclear weapon: Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates has warned in a...

Underfunded state retirement systems are one of the greatest problems facing states. There does not seem to be a way out, as municipal and teachers’ unions are loathe to negotiate substantial reforms and state governments simply do not have the money to meet unsustainable promises....

Another day, some more agitation by the Obama administration and Agitprop by the mainstream media, this time directed by Obama himself at Rush Limbaugh and other conservative talk radio hosts. This country is boiling over, after over a year of a strategy of crazy, in...

Here is how Hamas has responded to Obama’s peace initiative (i.e., humiliation of Netanyahu and contrived crisis): A Hamas cross-border attack on Israeli forces outside Kissufim Friday, March 26, killed an officer, Maj. Eliraz Peretz, Dep. Commander of Golani Battalion 12, 31, from Eli and...

In late October 2008, shortly before the election, I wrote an article for American Thinker titled It’s 3 a.m. and the Prime Minister of Israel is Calling. The title of my article was a play on Hillary Clinton’s 3 a.m. campaign ad, which suggested that...

Can’t say I didn’t warn you. The pressure tactics the Obama administration applied to Honduras — such as the refusal to meet with high government officials — now are being applied to Israel: [I]n Jerusalem, prime minister Binyamin Netanyahu called his inner cabinet into its...

Israel made a mistake in announcing an East Jerusalem building permit at the same time Joe Biden was visiting. The building permit really is a non-issue since everyone knows the Ramat Shlomo section of Jerusalem never is going to be given to the Palestinians, but...

Hah. The internet is a dangerous thing … for hypocritical, devious Democrats, as in the entire Democratic leadership and The Won, who now claim the filibuster should be disregarded for substantive legislation. It was not that long ago, when W was President, that the attempt...

The health care fight is coming to a head. We’re in the 15th round, and the health care summit to be followed by budget reconciliation is Obama’s desperate attempt to land a one-two knockout punch because he is down on points. Now is not the...

“Balloon Mortgage.” I am glad that Obama released his plan this morning, when I was driving. Since I was in the car for several hours, I did not feel compelled to try to churn out a quick review. Instead, the rest of the world did...

Barack Obama is claiming credit for “saving” the economy from a full-blown depression based on passage of the stimulus plan. As with most Obama claims of success, Obama simply is exhibiting his prowess at using strawman arguments. Obama compares where the economy is now, versus...

Hissy fit alert. The left-wing blogs are screaming in perfect harmony about bad, bad, bad Richard Shelby of Alabama (R-of course), who put a hold on the entire government. That’s not quite clear at this point, it appears that Shelby used a longstanding Senate mechanism...

This exchange between Blanche Lincoln (D-Ark) and Barack Obama reflects just how clueless Obama is about the mood in this country and the damage his ideological intransigence is doing to his own party. As reported by The Hill: She also took a swipe at Obama’s...