Tom Woods, one of my favorite historians, wrote a book detailing the 2008 financial crisis titled ‘Meltdown.’ The book outlines how government intervention and ignorance led to the mess we’re still cleaning up. While this is something we all, more or less, know as right-leaning persons, someone took the effort to seriously synthesize and present the case in an academic fashion. Woods is a great writer and consistently offers clever solutions, which is why I’m so glad to hear that ‘Meltdown’ is being adapted into a documentary-style film. I doubt it will reach a very broad audience, but for people like myself who want to hear the case he presents, but maybe are too pressed for time to sift through a few hundred pages, it will be a fantastic way to spend an hour.
I find documentaries to be a very useful, easy way to digest information. (Particularly by this time of year as my eyes are pretty sore from reading the books my courses assign…) However, the classic problem has always been that the big players in film, and most media, have a liberal slant to them. I suspect, that, in age where the internet has made movies, marketing, and ideas far more accessible, this domination will be undercut. Companies like the Moving Picture Institute produce films that help spread information from a classical liberal perspective.
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A web series might be more effective today. No institutional filters, better suited to internet audiences. (Just my two rubles.)
Wow. Your video of the day reminds me of state employees at the Washington State Budget trough.
Looks interesting. The worst part of that entire government-created disaster is that the prime mover of the entire thing, The Community Reinvestment Act of 1979, is still alive and well.
I can make a pretty plausible case that we at the early stage of world war. The only question is whose side our government and industry leaders are on. In a one-world-without-borders universe where nations are demoted to being nothing more than branded markets, where do citizens turn for protection?
I still have a lot of faith in Americans. It may get very ugly but I would rather be us than anyone else on this planet. We are the only economy that can close its borders and fight a war against everyone else at the same time and win.
"However, the classic problem has always been that the big players in film, and most media, have a liberal slant to them."
I was happy when I learned that a movie version of Atlas Shrugged is in the works.
I was happy about it for about two minutes, at which point I remembered that hollywood is full of lefties and began to wonder whether Hank Reardon, Ellis Wyatt, and John Galt will be portrayed as the villains.
The production photo featured on the front of the IMDb entry is the train tunnel. I wonder whether the lefties will find a way to make the accident have been Dagny Taggart's fault… We shall see.
I read "Meltdown" some months ago and found it quite revealing. Government intervention into the economy caused the meltdown via the "subprime" mortgage fiasco.
@Nobody special, David Kelly actually consulted on the script – I trust it.