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Alan Grayson still appears here every now and then. Elizabeth Warren hasn’t been seen for a long time, I guess she’s on work detail helping build the roads for the factory owners to use. But I’ve noticed a lot of these lately: I can handle...

Links I’ve collected today but could not squeeze in: Obama not happy with the alleged Israeli hit on the Iranian nuke scientist, via Arutz Sheva and Commentary.  In other news, Bibi is quite happy with the U.S. hit on Osama and other al-qaeda types. Conservatives...

A collection of things: Syrian exiles: ‘Clinton told dissidents to lay down their arms’ Elizabeth Warren is so bad we need to support Scott Brown. No fracking, the movie. Jinx. Fabulous 50 blog awards. Bomb bomb bomb, bomb bomb Iran, triggers. Who makes “Newt Gingrich [look] like...

All the news is focused on whether the House Republicans will cave and go along with the unworkable and illogical Senate two-month extension of the social security “tax holiday.” That is how stupid politics has become, both Democrats and Senate Republicans are lashing out at...

No one could have seen this coming, right? Democrat Elizabeth Warren has opened up a lead against Republican incumbent Scott Brown for the first time in their U.S. Senate showdown, but a barrage of attack ads appears to have damaged Warren and Brown’s standing among...

Barack Obama flopped it in NH when he was heckled during a speech:  ‘A lot of the folks who have been down in New York and all across the country, in the Occupy movement, there is a profound sense of frustration,’ he said. ‘There is...

Shocking breaking news — Newt Gingrich’s health care policy consulting firm earned consulting fees from health care companies interested in health care policy! Shocking breaking news — Water is wet. Shocking breaking news — Taylor Marsh has harsh words about Sarah Palin. Shocking breaking news — some...

for a first television ad (h/t @Allahpundit): Although she may be on the defensive with ads like this against her:

You know about the sidewalks of Warren, Rhode Island, where millions were spend on replacing miles of sidewalks hardly anyone walked on, and which, in the rush to spend Stimulus money, were constructed improperly. You also know about the sidewalks to heaven of Lincoln, Rhode Island,...

Among the numerous College Know It All Hippie fallacies common in the #OWS movement is the apparent association between having wealth and supporting capitalistic or pro-business policies.  It is true that to a point, wealthier individuals are more Republican than poorer ones in their voting...

I’ll be watching the Massachusetts Senate Democratic Debate tonight at 7 p.m. because it will be the first appearance of Elizabeth Warren.  I haven’t decided what to do in the race, despite the overwhelming reader vote to support Brown, but I’ll be listening. The debate...

I know, I said Bye-Bye Brown last spring after he wrote an op-ed in Politico slamming the Ryan plan and playing into the Democratic meme that Republicans want to abandon seniors.  And he has been a disappointment on several key votes, such as Dodd-Frank. But…...

As Kathleen posted earlier, Warren Buffett is backing away from the so-called Buffett Rule, which apparently is not so much a Rule as a stream of consciousness sprinkled with thoughts and afterthoughts. The best thing about the Buffett Rule Non-Rule What Are You Talking About,...

when the rule named after you isn’t what you want: Warren Buffett backs out of Obama’s Buffett Rule on CNBC. 

At a recent Obama campaign event masquerading as a town hall, an ex-Google executive begged Obama to raise his taxes, to which Obama responded with an Elizabeth Warren-like argument: It turns out the guy was a plant by a group called the Patriotic Millionaires for Fiscal...

I was the guest of Kevin Whalen of Pundit Review on WRKO in Boston.  WRKO is one of the major Boston stations which covers almost all of New England, and the Pundit Review has had the Sunday night spot for several years. We covered Rick Perry,...