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Author: Mary Chastain

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Mary Chastain

Mary is the resident libertarian. She covers stories in every vertical, but her favorite thing to do is take on the media. She saw its bias against the right when she was a socialist.

Mary loves the Chicago Cubs, Chicago Blackhawks, tennis, cats, Oxford comma, Diet Coke, and needlework.

Reports came out late Thursday night that President Donald Trump has been considering using executive action to stop the migrant caravan that is headed to our border. From Politico:
Under the plan, the Trump administration would publish fast-track regulation that would restrict certain migrants' ability to seek asylum. The regulation would be paired with a related proclamation from President Donald Trump.

Oh joy. Chelsea Clinton said in an interview that she wouldn't rule out a potential run for political office. From The Journal News/lohud:
"I think if someone were to step down or retire and I thought I could do a good job and it matched my talents, I’d have to think if it’s the right choice for me," Clinton said in an interview ahead of her upcoming book appearance in Eastchester.

As the media and the left goes on and on about hateful rhetoric from President Donald Trump after numerous someone sent Democrat foes bombs, they seem to have forgotten that their rhetoric doesn't help either. You know, like this fantasy story at The New York Times that depicts the assassination of Trump by a Russian agent with the help of the Secret Service.

On Monday, I blogged that reporters discovered Bangladeshis mixed in the migrant caravan moving towards the US border. Now Judicial Watch and Sara Carter have reported that people "from all over the world" are in the caravan as the MSM has slammed President Donald Trump for making claims that criminals and people from the Middle East have joined the caravan. There's also a second caravan forming in Guatemala.

After Andy Lassner, a producer for The Ellen DeGeneres Show, tweeted the other day that he's "way more afraid of another Melania getting in to this country than" he is of the thousands of migrants in the caravan marching towards the U.S. border. First Lady Melania Trump's office tweeted him an invite to her gathering of children at the White House to talk about kindness and screen the movie Wonder. You can guess how this man child responded.

The US Secret Service intercepted packages sent to the homes of the Clintons in New York and President Barack Obama in Washington that contain "possible explosive devices." The Clintons and Obama didn't receive the packages "because of screening procedures." CNN then reported the NYPD has responded to a suspicious package outside at Time Warner Center in New York, the home of the network. Law enforcement also intercepted a package meant for the White House at Joint Base Bolling in DC, but now reports say "that there was no suspicious package addressed to the White House."

I remember a few days ago it was all about the Democrats voting early in the midterms and boy they were going to bring a blue wave. I hate to disappoint the left, but Republicans have shown just as much energy as they have outperformed Democrats in early voting except in Nevada. Republicans shouldn't get ahead of themselves since Cook Political Report changed the rating of 10 House races this morning, including eight to favor the Democrats.

The Daily Caller has reported that Univision correspondent Santa Anna, a reporter traveling with the migrant caravan that's moving into Mexico from Guatemala, noticed people from Bangladesh within the massive crowd of migrants:
“Yesterday when we were traveling through Guatemala, we noticed people from El Salvador and even people from Bangladesh,” he continued. “Can you imagine what they had to do to get here? They infiltrated themselves in this caravan and tried to cross with the crowd. That would have benefited them greatly.”
Bangladesh remains a hot spot for ISIS and other terrorist groups.