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Author: Kemberlee Kaye

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Kemberlee Kaye

Kemberlee Kaye is the Senior Contributing Editor of Legal Insurrection, where she has worked since 2014 and is the Director of Operations and Editorial Development for the Legal Insurrection Foundation. She also serves as the Managing Editor for, a research project of the Legal Insurrection Foundation.

She has a background working in immigration law, and as a grassroots organizer, digital media strategist, campaign lackey, and muckraker. Over the years Kemberlee has worked with FreedomWorks, Americans for Prosperity, James O'Keefe's Project Veritas, and US Senate re-election campaigns, among others. 

Kemberlee, her daughter, and her son live a lovely taco-filled life in their native Texas.

You can reach her anytime via email at kk @

The federal government gets much of attention for being The Worst™, and rightfully so. But oftentimes local governments and their officials are truly as awful as they come. The latest tale of sorry and woe comes to you from Kansas City. There, Health Department officials poured bleach on 700 lbs of BBQ that was set aside for the needy, rendering it inedible. Worse still, thousands who showed up for a BBQ lunch were turned away because there was nothing left to feed them.

Since the presidential election last week, there's scarcely a corner of the internet free of nasty contentiousness. Thankfully, not everyone has lost their sense of humor. A handful of memes imagining President Obama and VP Biden's White House departure are easily my most favorite things on the internet right now. Especially since they play on Uncle Joe as well...Uncle Joe. Most of the memes show Biden suggesting ways to prank the incoming presidential crew, but all of them are lol-worthy. Enjoy:

Love it or hate it, Facebook is an inescapable part of modern social engagement. As the public grapples for any variable that would explain the Trump presidency, Facebook is the recipient of at least some of the blame, justly or not. The complaints are rather silly -- users are blaming the social media platform for content others post, in particular, fake news stories. Of all the factors that determined last week's electoral outcomes, I doubt fake news stories even moved the needle, alas...

Every year I share this speech from President Reagan. I struggle to find another one available that honors those who've served our great nation any better. In 1985, President Reagan gave his Veteran's Day Address at Arlington National Cemetery. With the Cold War a fresh threat, Reagan emphasized the importance of peace while insisting, "strength is a declaration that cannot be misunderstood. Strength is a condition that declares actions have consequences. Strength is a prudent warning to the belligerent that aggression need not go unanswered." There is never enough we can do for our veterans who willingly sacrifice so much. Their selflessness was not neglected by Reagan who told this story:
Sometime back I received in the name of our country the bodies of four marines who had died while on active duty. I said then that there is a special sadness that accompanies the death of a serviceman, for we're never quite good enough to them-not really; we can't be, because what they gave us is beyond our powers to repay. And so, when a serviceman dies, it's a tear in the fabric, a break in the whole, and all we can do is remember.
This Veteran's Day, we humbly offer our utmost gratitude to all who have fought to preserve the greatest country man has ever devised. While words hardly seem sufficient, we can offer this: we remember.

When Donald Trump clinched the Republican presidential nomination, we asked our fabulous bloggers to contribute their thoughts. It remains one of my all time favorite Legal Insurrection posts. Now that Trump is the president elect, have we changed our minds? Have our opinions evolved? Are we joyous, aggrieved? I guess you'll have to read on to find out...

William A. Jacobson

There are so many thoughts about how we got here. The disconnect between the political class, centered around a small number of big cities, and the rest of the country was enormous. That was compounded by evidence that the media was collusive with the Democrats, laid out in the Wikileaks releases. Hillary's email and server scandal ate away at her like rust.

Welcome to our Dumpster Fire Election Day open thread! This post will be updated throughout the day with all kinds of election news odd and ends. Refresh frequently for the latest. Most recent additions will appear at the top of the post. Starting at 6:30 PM EST, we'll run our election results posts, so you'll want to head to those for the latest when it's time.

The Spanish government has scarcely budged an inch these past ten months. The result? Economic growth and a falling jobless rate. Though Spain's unemployment rate remains one of the highest in Europe, it dropped to its lowest in six years.

Higher premiums, ridiculous deductibles, fewer choices -- you gotta love Obamacare. For health insurance providers, Obamacare continues to eat away at profits and makes difficult, if not impossible, the task of offering reasonably priced insurance plans. Yet another health insurance behemoth announced plans to scale back their Obamacare offerings. Cigna had planned to expand their exchange offerings, but after crushing the numbers, have decided against doing so.