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Author: Kemberlee Kaye

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Kemberlee Kaye

Kemberlee Kaye is the Senior Contributing Editor of Legal Insurrection, where she has worked since 2014 and is the Director of Operations and Editorial Development for the Legal Insurrection Foundation. She also serves as the Managing Editor for, a research project of the Legal Insurrection Foundation.

She has a background working in immigration law, and as a grassroots organizer, digital media strategist, campaign lackey, and muckraker. Over the years Kemberlee has worked with FreedomWorks, Americans for Prosperity, James O'Keefe's Project Veritas, and US Senate re-election campaigns, among others. 

Kemberlee, her daughter, and her son live a lovely taco-filled life in their native Texas.

You can reach her anytime via email at kk @

I would say we're being trolled, but this is about par for the 2016 course. I'm not sure why Hillary's camp is floating the idea of Joe Biden as a potential Secretary of State, but they are. Politico reported late Thursday night:

As we've long said about Obamacare -- rising costs and the destruction of the health insurance marketplace are a feature of the President's hallmark administration, not a bug. Jonathan Gruber, Obamacare architect agrees. In an interview with CNN Wednesday, Gruber explained Obamacare was, "working as designed".

This one surprised me. I've grown accustomed to most cultural venues mocking anything Republican or right-leaning (though it could be argued Trump is neither). But a recent 'Saturday Night Live' sketch called "Black Jeopardy" was surprisingly kind in its portrayal of what appears to be a...

Just yesterday I blogged about upcoming health insurance rate hikes. Health insurance plans offered on an exchange (like those purchased by most self-employed individuals) will see double-digit premium increases. Not only are premiums and deductibles sky-rocketing, but consumer choice is dwindling. Insurer complaints are the same — health insurance consumers are sicker and older than their original models predicted, making affordable insurance a virtually impossible offering. Worse still -- the Obama administration is completely out of touch with their hallmark legislation's ramifications.

Surprise! (But only if you haven't been paying attention.) At the beginning of May, I blogged about the looming October Obamacare surprise -- seriously nasty rate hikes.
Unfortunately (or fortunately — depending on where you stand) for Democrats, pending rate increase announcements could not come at a worse time. Open enrollment begins the first week of November, just in time for Obamacare and independent health insurance consumers to take their sticker shock to the ballot box.

Through the course of this election cycle, Fox News has become as unwatchable as its left-leaning counter-networks and it seems I'm not the only person to make such an observation. New data from YouGov BrandIndex released Thursday explored Fox News' brand value. Long touted as the Republican alternative to network news, Fox News viewers are increasingly disenchanted with the "we report, you decide" moniker. Ad Age explains:

Welcome to our live coverage of the third and final Hillary v. Trump showdown. Hosted by the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, the debate will begin at 9:00 PM EST. According to The Daily Beast, "Wednesday’s program will include six segments, each 15 minutes long, in which the candidates will be asked about a myriad of topics including debt, immigration, the economy, Supreme Court appointments, and the candidates’ fitness to be president." Fox News' Chris Wallace will moderate tonight's debate.

James O'Keefe's Project Veritas is at it again -- needling the hubris of Democratic operatives and claiming scalps. O'Keefe and his band of undercover videographers thrive during election season for obvious reasons -- if you're going to find instances of waste, fraud, and abuse, they're ripe for the picking before election day. Project Veritas' latest series of videos captured a Hillary campaign operative admitting to inciting violence at Trump rallies. "It doesn’t matter what the friggin’ legal and ethics people say, we need to win this motherfucker," said Scott Foval, National Field Director at Americans United for Change. "One of the things we do is we stage very authentic grassroots protests right in their faces at their own events. Like, we infiltrate."

I'm baaaaack! Sort of. Kind of. Partially, anyway. I'm covered in spit up, am pretty sure there's more dry shampoo than hair on my head, am not entirely sure when I last showered, have dark circles not even the heaviest of concealers could conquer, our home is a certifiable disaster area, and dishes? we've moved to paper dining ware (usually I'd feel morally obligated to stick to more eco-friendly methods, but I really don't care right now). I've done more laundry in the last two weeks than I've probably done all year prior and I couldn't be happier. I've spent the last two weeks welcoming the newest addition to our family -- Klara Cadence. She was born September 30. I'm slowly easing my way back into blogging as I learn to manage both the blog and one seriously adorable baby. 14707922_10109008771975624_5385614534991581568_o

Thirteen years in the making and the National Museum of African American History and Culture is now open to visitors. The bill, created by Rep. John Lewis (D-GA) and then Senator Sam Brownback (R-KS), now Kansas Governor, was authorized by President George W. Bush. Saturday, the museum held its Grand Opening Ceremony attended by President Bush and President Obama. "I was honored to sign the bill authorizing construction of this national treasure and I'm pleased it now stands where it's always belonged -- on the National Mall," said former President Bush at the opening ceremony. "A great nation does not hide its history. It faces its flaw and corrects them. This museum tells the truth that a country founded on the promise of liberty held millions in chains. That the price of our union was America's original sin."

Keith Lamont Scott was shot and killed by Charlotte police last weekend. Violent riots broke out in response to the shooting. Rioters maintain Scott wasn't armed, but was carrying a book. Charlotte officials declined to make public footage of the police encounter.

Hillary is having trouble shoring up the millennial vote. In what appears to be an effort to reach a younger demographic, Hillary joined Zach Galifinakis on 'Between Two Ferns', an interview short published on the website Funny or Die. 'Between Two Ferns' interviews tend to be deadpan and self-deprecating, but this was just... bad. Bad for Hillary anyway.