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Author: Kemberlee Kaye

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Kemberlee Kaye

Kemberlee Kaye is the Senior Contributing Editor of Legal Insurrection, where she has worked since 2014 and is the Director of Operations and Editorial Development for the Legal Insurrection Foundation. She also serves as the Managing Editor for, a research project of the Legal Insurrection Foundation.

She has a background working in immigration law, and as a grassroots organizer, digital media strategist, campaign lackey, and muckraker. Over the years Kemberlee has worked with FreedomWorks, Americans for Prosperity, James O'Keefe's Project Veritas, and US Senate re-election campaigns, among others. 

Kemberlee, her daughter, and her son live a lovely taco-filled life in their native Texas.

You can reach her anytime via email at kk @

No, Governor Cuomo. At an event Wednesday, New York Governor Cuomo attempted to mock Trump's "Make America Great Again" campaign slogan. Cuomo led by saying, "We're not going to make America great again. It was never that great."

Against the wishes of the Taos County sheriff, undersheriff, prosecutors and the FBI, Judge Sarah Backus ordered all five suspects arrested in the raid of the New Mexico compound, released. Siraj Ibn Wahhaj, 40, Lucas Morton, 40, Jany Leveille, 35, Hujrah Wahhaj, 37, and Subhannah Wahhaj, 35 were arrested on child abuse charges. The eleven children in the compound were taken into state custody. All were substantially malnourished, kept in rags, and had no access to clean water.

Minnesota Democrat Rep. Keith Ellison has been accused of emotionally and physically abusing his ex-girlfriend, Karen Monahan. Over the weekend, Austin Monahan, Karen Monahan's son, wrote on Facebook that he found a video on his mom's computer of Ellison dragging his mom off of a bed while yelling profanities.

Friday, authorities raided a New Mexico compound on the Colorado border where they Siraj Ibn Wahhaj was reportedly training children to commit school shootings. That claim was made by a foster parent to one of the children. Wahhaj and four other adults were arrested and face charges of child abuse. According to CBS News, Wahhaj, "Wahhaj is the son of a Brooklyn imam who was a possible co-conspirator in the bombing of the World Trade Center in 1993 -- but was never charged."

Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos comes from a wealthy family and was independently affluent prior to joining the Trump administration, so clearly, she's probably a terrible human being. Or so thinks Vox contributor Kate Wagner.

Senate Democrats are grandstanding in the worst of fashions, hoping to delay the confirmation of Judge Kavanaugh, Trump's second pick for the Supreme Court. Their latest stall tactic is purely political and one that's in the simplest of terms, silly -- they're demanding what amounts to volumes of documents going back decades. These documents, they claim, would provide insight into Kavanaugh's legal mind and also they belong to the people because of democracy and other totally unrelated nonsense.

The most Hollywood thing to have happened has happened in West Hollywood. The municipalities five-member city council approved a proposal to remove Trump's star from the Hollywood Walk of Fame. They claim vandalism and demonstrations are the reason behind their decision. And also Trumps "treatment of women and his views on climate change." Oh yes, and there's also the "decision to withdraw from the Paris Climate Agreement, a ban on transgender military officers and the separation of families at the U.S. border with Mexico, among reasons for the removal." Basically, everything.