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Author: Kemberlee Kaye

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Kemberlee Kaye

Kemberlee Kaye is the Senior Contributing Editor of Legal Insurrection, where she has worked since 2014 and is the Director of Operations and Editorial Development for the Legal Insurrection Foundation. She also serves as the Managing Editor for, a research project of the Legal Insurrection Foundation.

She has a background working in immigration law, and as a grassroots organizer, digital media strategist, campaign lackey, and muckraker. Over the years Kemberlee has worked with FreedomWorks, Americans for Prosperity, James O'Keefe's Project Veritas, and US Senate re-election campaigns, among others. 

Kemberlee, her daughter, and her son live a lovely taco-filled life in their native Texas.

You can reach her anytime via email at kk @

Democratic Presidential frontrunner Hillary Clinton will testify before the House Select Committee on Benghazi at 10:00 EST. Watch live: [session over] This is the most talked about part of the day -- Hillary admitting video had nothing to do with Benghazi attack and that she told people at the time, but the American public was told otherwise:

We are happy to report that Yelp is not suing Comedy Central or the creators of South Park. Headlines to the contrary are yet another case of Parody Taken Seriously. Last week, a South Park episode called, "You're Not Yelping," skewered the popular restaurant review site Yelp. This clip from the episode, which like most things South Park, is probably NSFW:

Speaking Tuesday, Rep. Paul Ryan said he would consider running for Speaker of the House. Prior to McCarthy's sudden withdrawal from the Speaker race, Paul adamantly denied any interest in running for the gavel. Paul is now reluctantly willing to reconsider leading up the House Republican caucus if he can be, "a unifying figure."

Largely due to the Center for Medical Progress' undercover videos exposing Planned Parenthood's sale of aborted baby parts, the nation's largest abortion provider is under federal and state examination. Monday, Texas stripped Medicaid funding from Planned Parenthood providers, joining a handful of other states who've done the same. As state-level scrutiny increases, Planned Parenthood's room to wiggle shrinks in kind. Tuesday, the St. Louis Post-Dispatch reported a pathology lab that contracts with a local Planned Parenthood provider failed to register with the state of Missouri this year. This is the sixth time the lab has missed a filing deadline since 1994. The lab, which digs through aborted baby parts, says officials, "misunderstood the registration process."

Monday, Texas Governor Abbott's office announced Planned Parenthood providers would no longer be privy to Medicaid dollars. “Texas has stepped forward and shown its unyielding commitment to both protecting life and providing women’s health services,” said Governor Abbott. “The gruesome harvesting of baby body parts by Planned Parenthood will not be allowed in Texas and the barbaric practice must be brought to an end. As such, ending the Medicaid participation of Planned Parenthood affiliates in the State of Texas is another step in providing greater access to safe healthcare for women while protecting our most vulnerable – the unborn.” Governor Abbott cited the, "gruesome videos filmed at Planned Parenthood facilities," including one facility in Texas. Monday, "the Office of Inspector General at Texas Health and Human Services Commission issued a letter ending Medicaid participation for Planned Parenthood affiliates in the State of Texas based on evidence of Medicaid program violations. The cancellation, consistent with Governor Abbott’s LIFE initiative, calls for funding to Planned Parenthood and other abortion providers out of taxpayer money to be eliminated completely, both at the State and local levels," according to the Governor's office.

Presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton is scheduled to testify before the House Select Committee on Benghazi Thursday. Tuesday, Hillary's daughter Chelsea Clinton joined CBS This Morning to field promote her new book and field softball questions about her mother's upcoming hearing.

Once upon a time, referring to a Democrat as a "socialist" was an insult. Now? Not so much. HotAir's Allah Pundit pointed out Monday that in a few short months, full throttled socialism is making a comeback. Data released by YouGov explored socialism tolerance among political parties. Compare the stats from May: may1

[Some updating by WAJ] Our northern neighbors are having elections today. We're watching to see if Liberal Party's Justin Trudeau can unseat Conservative Party leader and Prime Minister Stephen Harper. Keep in mind that Canada has a parliamentary system, so the next Prime Minister is like to come from a party with less than a majority. Veterans of Team Obama has been backing Trudeau, trying to unseat Harper just like they tried to unseat Bibi Netanyahu in Israel. The Liberal Party was leading in pre-election polling. We have live video and Twitter feeds below. A really cool, interactive map is here. You can refresh live vote counts here.

Marco Rubio's presidential campaign is a lean machine. You'd be hard pressed to a Rubio staffer living the high life in lavash accommodations, courtesy of campaign donations. How does Sen. Rubio's campaign spend its money?

"Please Put Your Tray Tables in the Upright and Locked Position"

They stand in number-ordered line at the Southwest gate just like the rest of us.

What makes a freakin' awesome grandma? With 23 grandkids, Ann Romney knows. IJ Review's latest shows Mrs. Romney wielding a light saber, knitting a Kanye 2020 sweater, and making it rain... with candy.

How about a little disco inferno to kick off the weekend? Forget primaries. Those are long, boring, and costly. We're proposing a new means of DNC candidate selection -- a dance off. First, Bernie (well, sort of):

Despite popular opinion in favor of second amendment rights, Hillary Clinton has made gun control a centerpiece of her White House bid. Speaking in New Hampshire Friday, Clinton was asked about gun control. "Recently Australia managed to get away, or take away tens of thousands, millions of handguns. In one year, they were all gone. Can we do that? If we can’t, why can’t we?" Clinton responded saying Australia's eradication of firearms was "worth considering" on a national level.

Enunciation saves lives. Ok, maybe not. But it probably prevents needless miscommunications like this one in Kyle, Texas. According to KVUE:
When a Lehman High School student asked for some chewing gum, another person misheard and thought the student said the word "gun," causing a scare on campus. School officials investigated the concern while students were held in their extended class periods. Later, Hays County CISD sent a letter out to parents stating: "The safety of our students is always foremost on our list of priorities, so we take these concerns seriously," the letter read in part. "We continue to encourage students to report anything they see or hear that causes them concern. Fortunately, in this case, it was a misunderstanding and there was no threat to our school or need to conduct a lock down." The investigation had little to no disruption to students' schedules, officials said.

Republican presidential candidate Dr. Ben Carson has temporarily suspended his campaign to spend two weeks selling books. National Review's Jim Geraghty pointed to an ABC News article explaining Dr. Carson's decision:
Republican presidential contender Dr. Ben Carson has put his public campaign events on hold for two more weeks to go on book tour for his new tome “A More Perfect Union” and catch up on fundraising events. The campaign has been careful to separate campaign events and the book tour, and doesn’t want to classify the tour as related to the campaign in any way. This week he is catching up on fundraising events and will be back on his book tour next week making stops in Texas, Oklahoma, Missouri, Kansas, Nebraska and Iowa. So for the next two weeks, Carson won't be appearing at any public "campaign events." Carson will be going back and forth between campaign fundraising events and book tour events over the next two weeks. His campaign says he has over 20 campaign fundraising events scheduled over that time period. The campaign says the next time they will appear publicly with Carson will be the day of the next GOP debate on Oct. 28. His last public campaign event was Oct. 2. Carson's campaign staff will not travel with him while on tour, noting that it’s better to stay off the trail for fear of being accused of using campaign assets to sell books.

Kentucky's nonprofit health insurer cooperative established under Obamacare announced it will be shutting down due to financial troubles. As a result, 51,000 individuals will lose their health insurance plans at the end of the year. It turns out, not everyone enrolled in health insurance plans through state-level co-ops pay their premiums. Gee, it's almost like Republicans predicted this might be an issue. The fifth such co-op to close, the remaining 18 are all on equally unstable footing. 21 of the 23 co-ops were losing money at the end of 2014, and 11 have received warning letters. According to The Hill:
Kentucky Health Cooperative, a nonprofit insurer known as a co-op, explained that it could not stay financially afloat after learning of a low payment from an ObamaCare program called “risk corridors.” That program was intended to protect insurers from heavy losses in the early years of the health law by taking money from better-performing insurers and giving it to worse-performing ones. ...However, the Obama administration announced on Oct. 1 that the program would pay out far less than requested, because the payments coming in were not enough to match what insurers requested to be paid. Therefore, insurers only will receive 12.6 percent of the $2.87 billion they requested. “It is with sadness that we announce this decision," the insurer’s CEO, Glenn Jennings, said in a statement. "This very difficult choice was made after much deliberation. If there were a way to avoid it and simultaneously do right by the members, providers and all others that we serve, we would do so.” The Department of Health and Human Services says that it recognizes that the low payments to insurers could have raised financial concerns for some insurers, and that as start-ups, not all co-ops would succeed. ...Twenty-one of 23 co-ops nationwide were losing money as of Dec. 31, the HHS inspector general report found in July. Furthermore, enrollment was falling below projections for 13 of the 23 plans.
The Kentucky co-op closure announcement comes only a few weeks after the nations largest co-op in New York announced it would be shutting down.

In a word -- horrific. Two weeks ago, abortionist Michael Roth hit a special needs child while driving. "14 containers of human tissue, possibly fetuses, medical equipment and large amounts of Fentanyl," were found in his car according to Detroit local news. It was this discovery that lead to the police raid of Roth's home Wednesday afternoon.