WATCH LIVE: Presidential Debate Coverage With Legal Insurrection
Put on your boots, it’s about to get deep
Welcome to our live coverage of the third and final Hillary v. Trump showdown.
Hosted by the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, the debate will begin at 9:00 PM EST.
According to The Daily Beast, “Wednesday’s program will include six segments, each 15 minutes long, in which the candidates will be asked about a myriad of topics including debt, immigration, the economy, Supreme Court appointments, and the candidates’ fitness to be president.”
Fox News’ Chris Wallace will moderate tonight’s debate.
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Third debates don’t move polls? This one might prove to be an exception, especially is Trump can stay on course, press Hillary on what she’a accomplished these past years, and present a convincing case why open borders are are bad idea for all concerned.
Bit of the luck of the Irish would help as well.
11 minutes in, this is weak tea. Total bullshit and lies from Hillary, generalities from Trump.
We know what each will do.
Top of the 4th in the Cubs/Dodgers game. No score. Indians win ALCS.
Last I heard Cubs 4-0.
They scored shortly after I posted. Too bad the debate didn’t turn out to be a blowout for Trump the way it did for the Cubs!
If Hillary is winning why is she agreeing with Trump about “keeping the bad guy out”?
The pivot regarding the WikiLeaks by Hillary to make it about Russia was the perfect opportunity for Donald to ask her if any of the emails were doctored or false in any way. If she can’t answer that except for saying Russia did it then everything that comes out of her mouth is a lie.
Boots? Try the chest-waders.
Let it be known that at 9:55 PM Eastern Standard Time that Hillary played the “weak woman” card about every woman knowing what it’s like to be belittled.
Unfortunately, Trump then followed it up with “Nobody has more respect for women than me” and the crowd began to laugh.
Screw the tweets! Where are the “gabs”?
KK you might of missed it with you mind on other things.
PS: If my language is too crude. Sorry.
Finally Mr. Trump hammers Sec. Hillary on the Clinton Foundation being a criminal enterprise.
But he let her get away with the whopper that the Clinton Foundations uses 90% of it’s funds for charitable purposes and that the groups that rate/watch charities give it an A rating. Those organizations have never gotten the documents necessary to determine how the foundation spends the money it receives.
At least Chris Wallace are asking substantive questions. About damn time.
Well, it looks like the corrupt and crooked Hillary Clinton is primed to win the election. 3 weeks to go.
Everybody happy. No minds changed.
Hillary got some jabs in, but Trump got the body blows.
Refreshing to have at least one real moderator.
Chris done good.
Good that the Haiti issue came up.
I know Haitians here in South Florida who are Democrats, but they are not voting for Hillary because they know first hand how the Clintons stole the money that was meant to help the victims of the earthquake.
After every answer she gave, he should have started his reply with, “so many lies, where should I begin…,” and then shot them down one at a time.
Wallace is wrong. Gore the loser didn’t concede to Bush the winner.Gore sued. Repeatedly. And he & his supporters…
— Mark R. Levin (@marklevinshow) October 20, 2016
Sorry wrong thread.
when anyone says that Clinton “won” anything, they have been
misled and lied to for so long by nearly EVERY president
that lies and treachery are the norm…How can anyone who
has not experienced the lies and evil mechanics of past
presidentials have a basis for comparison…Trump IS a
different brand of hopeful and does not…thankfully…
fit the past models….I hope that those who have accepted
HRCs act as truthful..honest…will see through her charade
before they cast their vote…if you think that Obama*s
8 years were catastrophic for the WTP, then if HRC wins
the election, as they say YOU AINT SEEN NOTHING YET…..