Trump Signs Bill Allowing States to Defund Planned Parenthood
“Prioritizing funding away from Planned Parenthood to comprehensive health care alternatives is a winning issue.”

President Donald Trump signed the H.J. Res. 43 bill that allows states to deny funds to clinics like Planned Parenthood that provide abortions.
The Senate passed the bill last month when Vice President Mike Pence cast the tie-breaking vote.
Before he left office, President Barack Obama enacted a rule that did not allow states to disqualify “an organization from federal family planning grants, called Title X, if they provide abortions.”
Susan B. Anthony President Marjorie Dannenfelser stood with Trump as he signed the bill. From Lifesite News:
“This week the pro-life movement had two huge victories: first, the swearing-in of Justice Gorsuch and now, President Trump will undo former President Obama’s parting gift to the abortion industry,” said Dannenfelser. “The resolution signed today simply ensures that states are not forced to fund an abortion business with taxpayer dollars. Rather, states have the option to spend Title X money on comprehensive health care clinics that better serve women and girls.”
“Prioritizing funding away from Planned Parenthood to comprehensive health care alternatives is a winning issue,” said Dannenfelser. She thanked “the women who led this effort in Congress, Rep. Diane Black and Sen. Joni Ernst,” as well as Trump and Pence. She expects “to see Congress continue its efforts to redirect additional taxpayer funding away from Planned Parenthood through pro-life health care reform after the spring recess.”
Planned Parenthood came under fire for the past few years after undercover journalists exposed employees trying to sell baby parts. As a result, many governors restricted funding to “family planning” organizations such as Ohio’s John Kasich, Wisconsin’s Scott Walker, Texas’s Greg Abbott, and Kansas’s Sam Brownback.

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Oh my…where is my popcorn? The tears will be particularly deep and salty tonight!
When you’re down and out
Lift up your head and shout
There’s gonna be a great day
Angels in the sky
Promise that by and by
There’s gonna be a great day
Because there are other solutions.
We may need flood walls for all the liberal tears that will fall.
For all the #MOAB people, this can save more children’s lives than not killing people who make a living killing people.
Abortion is by far the biggest profit center for the non profit PP.
Why else would PP fight so hard to defend “womens health”
When I was a teenager, Planned Parenthood was an important source of sexual health information, condoms, The Pill and — yes, I will say it — abortions that were otherwise unavailable.
Today, the schools teach sex ed, and give out condoms and birth control pills. Abortions are relatively easy and free from many other sources. Female health care is available through the Affordable Care Act. Planned Parenthood is no longer needed, and has become nothing but an abortion mill and fetal tissue marketplace. Time for Planned Parenthood to RIP!
Geologist: Female health care is available through the Affordable Care Act.
One of the most important aspects of the Affordable Care Act is the expansion of Medicaid. Planned Parenthood is a primary provider of Medicaid in poor neighborhoods. Cutting off federal funding for Planned Parenthood doesn’t mean cutting off federal funding for abortion, which is already restricted, but cutting off Medicaid reimbursement for non-abortion health services.
I am saddened every time I see “women’s health care” linked to murdering innocent babies.
“President Donald Trump signed the H.J. Res. 43 bill that allows states to deny funds to clinics like Planned Parenthood that provide abortions.
The Senate passed the bill last month when Vice President Mike Pence cast the tie-breaking vote.”
Can’t be true. The nevertrumpers assure us that nasty old Donald is a liberal. Must be fake news.
As an entity within the abortion industry, Planned Parenthood is the largest abortion provider in the U.S., performing at least 300,000 abortions every year.
The Heritage Foundation’s Melanie Israel wrote at The Daily Signal the resolution was necessary “to both protect life and reassert that the states have Tenth Amendment rights to allocate Title X family planning grants in such a manner that prioritizes community health clinics and true family planning over the industrial abortion industry as represented by Planned Parenthood.”
Why doesnt PP spin off the abortion services and continue providing health services –
You seem to misunderstand the PP mission here. They do not provide health services except as cover for killing children. They like killing babies.