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Author: Fuzzy Slippers

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Fuzzy Slippers

I am a constitutional conservative, a writer, and an editor.

Follow me on Twitter @fuzislippers

***UPDATE: The NY Post now reports that "only one known copy of the book was given to a child." Ever wonder what amazing things your tax dollars finance?  Wonder no more.  Apparently, tax payers are footing the bill for the distribution of Kamala Harris' children's book that is being distributed to illegal alien children held in substandard, inhumane conditions.

As we all begin to absorb the full impact of the Biden administration's anti-capitalism, anti-freedom, anti-Constitution, America Last policies, we are seeing, for only the second time in our nation's history, an administration that openly disdains and gleefully condemns America as some kind of uniquely and irredeemably racist nation that must be destroyed in order to be rebuilt according to some regressive dystopian vision, circa the 1930's.

Unwilling to take the necessary steps to secure our border and unable to handle the surge of migrants then-candidate Biden all but invited to come to the U.S. illegally, the Biden administration has apparently decided to simply release 400 illegal alien families per day into the U.S. As a point of reference, the total number of such released families earlier this year was 50 per day.

Everyone in America is being programmed–in K-12 classrooms, universities, their workplace, on social media, and in our cultural output–to accept inherently racist initiatives like Critical Race Training as not just normal but as positive steps "forward"; everyone is required to not just tolerate but to vocally support Black Lives Matter, open borders, blanket amnesty, the Green New Deal, biological men competing against women in women's sports, and defunding the police; and everyone is required to police their own thoughts lest they utter something that runs afoul of the cultural revolutionary guard.

Where the divisive and democracy-crushing impact of leftist identity politics meets cancel culture meets shutuppery is perhaps nowhere more apparent than in the rabidly pro-Kamala Harris online mob known as K-Hive.  Questioning anything she says or doesn't say, does or doesn't do, draws the K-mob and its screeching "racist," "misogynist," and "white supremacist/privilege" attacks.