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Author: Fuzzy Slippers

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Fuzzy Slippers

I am a constitutional conservative, a writer, and an editor.

Follow me on Twitter @fuzislippers

Ted Cruz launched his presidential campaign on Monday with a fantastic speech at Liberty University, and his campaign raised $1 million in just over 24 hours. Within three days of his official announcement, Cruz's campaign had raised $2 million.  The Washington Post reports:
Sen. Ted Cruz's presidential campaign had a goal after it officially launched Monday: raise $1 million in a week. Turns out it only took a few hours. The Texas Republican's campaign says it met its fundraising goal at 2:30 a.m. Tuesday -- just a little more than 24 hours after he announced via Twitter that he would be running for president. Cruz made a formal announcement Monday morning at Liberty University in Lynchburg, Va. As of Thursday night the campaign has raised $2 million, about $500,000 of which came from large-money bundlers. The rest came from online donations.
This is quite remarkable given that the donations are pouring in from average Americans who respond to Cruz's message of adherence to the Constitution, a limited federal government, a strong economy, substantial tax and other needed reforms, and a coherent foreign policy that foregrounds America's interests.   He touches on each of these points in his first full-length campaign ad:

Many of you may recall Oprah's recent comments regarding her sense that Americans disrespect Obama because he is black.  In response, Mark Joseph, writing in his USA Today column, "No, Oprah, America isn't racist," argues that she's "living in another era" and illustrates his point...

Actually, this law wasn't intended to punish crime victims, that's the result of an ideology that demonizes legal gun owners--even to the point that they are considered more dangerous than violent sexual predators with known criminal records: On Sunday, Governor Pat Quinn signed Illinois House Bill 1189,...

Gee, I wonder why . . . ALBANY, N.Y. — A new report from the nonprofit Tax Foundation shows people moving out of the state during the last decade took $45.6 billion in personal income from New York's economy, the most in the nation. The Washington, D.C.-based...

Steve Flesher has an interesting post over at American Thinker about "rehabilitating" Sarah Palin, or more specifically, how she can help rehabilitate the GOP. Goodness knows, the GOP needs all the help it can get.  Between the very public "war" between Chris Christie and Rand Paul,...

Ted Cruz is urging Republicans in Congress to fight to defund the ObamaCare Tax train wreck and stated that he feels many in the GOP are too frightened to do so. Apparently, the 1995-1996 shutdowns were such a disaster for the GOP that many "top"...

There are so many things wrong with ObamaCare that it's hard to know where to start.  One of the latest is something CNBC is calling a "quirk" that . . .  could ultimately mean thousands of dollars less for you under a quirk in the new...

Howard Dean wrote in the Wall Street Journal that ObamaCare's IPAB needs to be "removed."  He explains why in terms that will be familiar to those of us who have opposed the ObamaCare Tax nightmare from the beginning: One major problem is the so-called Independent Payment...

First the Teamsters, UFCW, and UNITE-HERE expressed their belated disapproval of the ObamaCare Tax monstrosity, and now the IRS employee union wants to be exempted from Obamacare.  The Teamsters, et al., made points that we've been making since 2009, points they willfully ignored and openly...

Yesterday, McClatchy reported on Pelosi's newest divisive endeavor: an economic agenda for women.  After all, we all know that women are not part of the economic fabric of this nation, that we all secretly aspire to be government-dependent Julias whose "health care" needs are those...

Last week, Professor Jacobson wrote about "Rubio's biggest problem in 2016": I don’t mind a politician I disagree with on an issue half as much as I mind a politician I normally agree with getting played. While I may not share the Prof's indulgence of Rubio's horrific...

When did we start measuring the "success" of Congress based on the number of laws it passes?  Seriously.  I'm asking: when?  I don't really remember the moment or the year or even the decade, but at some point, Americans got into our heads that the...

Those of us who have been following Andrew Branca's excellent coverage of the Zimmerman trial here on LI weren't at all surprised by the verdict.  Indeed, we'd have been surprised by anything else; however, leftists are busy little bees, working their race-baiting denial-of-facts-and-law nonsense with...

Each day until Election Day we will feature a previously unpublished photo sent in by a Legal Insurrection reader on National Empty Chair Day, September 3, 2012. The countdown continues with 0 days to go. Today’s great Empty Chair photo comes to us from Melanie in Wisconsin who writes, "I...

Each day until Election Day we will feature a previously unpublished photo sent in by a Legal Insurrection reader on National Empty Chair Day, September 3, 2012. The countdown continues with 1 day to go. Today’s Empty Chair photo comes to us from Judi in Illinois. Tomorrow's the big day and...