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Author: Anne Segal

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Anne Segal

Anne Sorock Segal is a market researcher and president of The Frontier Lab, a nonprofit organization that seeks to increase demand for freedom and revive a unifying American character using cutting-edge behavioral science methodologies.

19 people were shot in Chicago between Thursday evening and Friday morning, with 13 of the 19 shot in a span of just 30 minutes. Chicago's murder rate has gone up 31 percent since 2011when Mayor Rahm Emanuel was elected. The Chicago Sun Times reports that...

Breathe a sigh of relief, the left is back to sifting for ways to attack Paul Ryan. It seems like they may have hit the bottom of the bucket, no doubt worried after the oppo ("cure for insomnia") file that was released revealed how little they...

Republican nominee for U.S. Senate Todd Akin repeated on the Mike Huckabee radio show that he will stay in the race, saying "We are going to continue with this race for U.S. Senate,” which he then confirmed on Dana Loesch's The Dana Show shortly after: I don't think this...

This past Saturday, Tea Party activists from Ohio and around the country converged on Cleveland for the Occupy the Truth for Peace and Justice rally and march. Organized by Andrew Marcus of the upcoming documentary, "Hating Breitbart," the march centered on Andrew Breitbart's charge to...

Just as the media had finished congratulating itself for selecting a woman, CNN's Candy Crowley, as one of the 2012 presidential debate moderators for the first time in 20 years, there is now an outcry over the lack of African American representation among the moderators. A...

Fareed Zakaria, the Time columnist and host of CNN's Fareed Zakaria GPS, who was exposed plagiarizing his column and suspended on August 10, has suffered long enough, apparently. Exactly one week after news broke of the plagiarism, Time announced that they will be revoking their previously publicized one-month...

Hillary Clinton had already indicated she would not be open to replacing Joe Biden as VP on the Obama ticket prior to yesterday's lunch, according to a Washington Examiner report out today. At an earlier lunch with Valerie Jarrett, says source, author Ed Klein, Clinton rejected...

Floyd Lee Corkins II, the suspect in Wednesday's shooting at the Family Research Council, is expected to appear in court Thursday afternoon after authorities filed a criminal complaint earlier this morning. The charges against Corkins include assault with intent to kill, as well as a federal...

It has just been confirmed that Family Research Council shooting suspect Floyd Corkins II had been volunteering at the DC Center for the LGBT Community for the past six months. From the AP: David Mariner is executive director of The DC Center for the LGBT Community. He says Corkins...

I attended the Paul Ryan/Mitt Romney rally in Waukesha, WI, this past Sunday evening, where the crowd of nearly 10,000 mirrored other huge turnouts around the country. There was a group of about 15 protesters, organized by SEIU, Obama for America, and, lining the entrance...

CNN host and Time magazine contributor Fareed Zakaria has been suspended by both outlets after Newsbusters reported Friday he had plagiarized a column. It was Cam Edwards of NRA News who first noticed the irregularity; he then tipped off Tim Graham at Newsbusters. Tim Graham of...

If you were to look to the masses to see what stereotypes persist about different states, analyzing the auto-completes that come up in google searches is certainly a creative way to start. The blog No Upside mapped the auto-completes for each state, with some amusing conclusions. Renee DiResta,...