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Democrat Hypocrisy on Display Week at Legal Insurrection

Democrat Hypocrisy on Display Week at Legal Insurrection

All the news you may have missed.

Democrats care so much about climate change that they did this.

Do they think we don’t remember all the things Biden has said?

Biden deserves to be impeached for this.

Everything is different when they do it.

This is just sad.

You know what they say about payback.

Thank you from everyone at Legal Insurrection!

Elon Musk just keeps going.

DeSantis is still going strong.

Compare these two stories.

Good for her.

The unofficial motto of Libertarians everywhere.


World news.

These videos are a lot of fun.

Looking back at 2022.

Happy New Year!


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Hypocrisy never slows them down one bit…

Otto Kringelein | January 1, 2023 at 9:39 am

My question is why Biden didn’t just do what Obama did on several occasions when not available in D.C. to sign legislation and simply authorize the use of the White House Autopen to sign the omnibus abomination legislation. Yes, the optics might not have been good if the Biden regime did that but they’d certainly be better than shipping the whole thing to St. Croix for his signature like they did.