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Pushing Back on the Left Week in Education

Pushing Back on the Left Week in Education

Your weekly report on education news.

We are beginning to see plenty of examples of people pushing back on the left’s woke agenda in education.

There are plenty of legal challenges.

There is still alot of work to be done. The left’s ideology is in everything.

It’s in sports.

It’s in medicine.

It’s in the arts.

The left is not going to go quietly.

This must also be challenged.

Public pressure helps.

Sounds normal.



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Bermuda College, in Bermuda, happens to be searching for a new president.

There’s got to be one or a few readers of LEGAL INSURRECTION who are qualified to apply.

And even if they do not offer you the job, perhaps you might begin a discussion with them about opening some kind of Institute of Objective STEM Excellence.

It could start small and see where it goes.

Bermuda is, as you-all probably aware, is a short flight from any east coast airport.

And U.S. laws rules regulations edicts do not apply.

I’m sure it’s got its problems but geez look at this summary above by Mike LaChance … I’m pretty sure they’re not dealing with any of that.

Plus I hear the weathers usually pretty nice.


There’s also the University of the West Indies, which has ~5 different satellite campuses throughout the Caribbean.

Anyone familiar with the story of the Bielski brothers? When the Nazis herded the townspeople into the town square, they didn’t think it looked too good, so they stayed near the periphery. And when the massacre started they were able to run away. To survive to fight another day, to live to raise families, etc.

Please, we do not have to pretend that any of the stories cited above by Mr LaChance … are “normal.”

Or bode well.

“The left is not going to go quietly.”
Then let them go loudly, outside into traffic at rush hour in Anytown, USA.

    DSHornet in reply to Whitewall. | January 14, 2023 at 10:31 am

    Since “rush hour” usually doesn’t rush, let them play in the middle of Interstate 75 south of Hotlanta during spring break. If it rains, there’ll be precious little debris remaining to know who they were.

Well, glad there’s pushback somewhere.
Out here, in a state where Kari Lake is NOT our governor:

[Gov. Katie Hobbs] proposes to end Arizona’s Empowerment Scholarship program, which allows any parent to use a portion of the state funds devoted to their student to pay for private school tuition or various other educational needs. Gov. Doug Ducey pushed for the expansion, which received national attention as one of the most comprehensive school-choice programs in the country. Hobbs projects $144 million in savings in the coming fiscal year and $1.5 billion in taxpayer savings over $10 years. She proposes eliminating the funding from an “underreported and unnecessary use” and funneling that money into public schools.

Her office expects students to be forced back into public schools with the repeal of the ESA.

“With a repeal in FY 2024, the Executive forecasts an anticipated increase in student enrollment,” her budget presentation read.

In addition, she proposes requiring the state’s charter schools and any that accept ESA accounts to be subjected to the same requirements as public schools.

It’s gonna be a long four years