School System in Portland, ME, Facing Racial Discrimination Lawsuit
“As the Department of Education is no doubt aware, segregation on the basis of race raises concerns that Portland Public Schools has received federal funds in violation of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964”

The lawsuit alleges discrimnation against whites. This is a growing trend in education.
Maine Wire reports:
Portland Schools Hit with Civil Rights Complaint Alleging Racial Discrimination
The school system in Maine’s largest city has is facing a civil rights complaint alleging the school has been discriminating against employees on the basis of skin color.
Parents Defending Education (PDE), a 501(c)3 non-profit group that advocates against partisan indoctrination in schools, said Tuesday it had filed the complaint with the U.S. Department of Education’s Office of Civil Rights alleging that the Portland School System has discriminated against staff members on the basis of race, color, or national origin.
According to the group, the Portland School System has regularly organized an activity — the “BIPOC Community Circle” — that excludes certain teachers and school employees on the basis of their skin color.
BIPOC is a term used by liberal activists and some academics to denote people who are black, indigenous, or people of color, but in some situations, such as with the Portland schools, the term also includes people of Asian and Middle-Eastern descent, and people who are “Latinx,” which is a word white liberals invented to refer to people of Hispanic descent.
In practice, BIPOC typically means everyone except white people.
“As the Department of Education is no doubt aware, segregation on the basis of race raises concerns that Portland Public Schools has received federal funds in violation of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which declares that ‘no person in the United States shall, on the ground of race, color, or national origin, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance,’” PDE President Nicole Neily said in the letter.

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Good. I hope we’ll either get a ruling stopping it, or a ruling that will clearly allow “White Community Circle”, which should then be organized promptly and begin regular meetings, excluding anyone who isn’t white.
“In practice, BIPOC typically means everyone except white people.”
Highly reminiscent of a joke I heard half a century ago.
Back when Democrats were still giving “literacy tests” before they would allow “freemen” to vote, one polling station prepared itself with copies of a local Chinese newspaper. The enforcer would make his way down the (separate but equal) queue of black voters, thrusting the paper at each and demanding, “Tell me what this says!” One wag took one look at the paper and responded, “It says, ‘ain’t no n* votin’ here today!'”
It’s about time! This nonsense has to stop.
Good. Use the law against these evil racist policies.